
There is no support for style information in shapefile format. However, you
can store the style info as a regular attribute value. Using OGR's SQL you
can extract the style string from the kml data and then store it in the
shapefile. Please go through the OGR SQL page[1]. You can get the style
from the special field named "OGR_STYLE".

[1]: http://www.gdal.org/ogr/ogr_sql.html

On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 2:25 PM, Wael Tarhouni <waelin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm using Ogr2Ogr to convert kml file to shapefile but the color of the
> shape output file is unique, i 'm always loosing the colors of my polygons
>  in the shapefile...
> is there any way to solve this problem ?
> Best regards;
> --
> Wael Tarhouni
> Élève ingénieur en Réseaux informatiques et Télecommunication à l'INSAT
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