On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 5:04 PM, cheesybiscuits

> Jukka - Thanks for the suggestion. I have extracted the contents of
> release-1600-gdal-mapserver.zip ("Compiled binaries in a single .zip
> package" ) which seems to include the Oracle plugin (gdal_GEOR.dll and
> ogr_OCI.dll).
Typically to use any of these distributions, you need to run the .bat file
to establish the proper environment settings.  Did you run SDKShell.bat or
similar in the shell before trying to use it?  Often, that .bat only sets
it for the duration and context of that shell.

> However OCI is still not listed in gdalinfo --formats, and running my
> original ogr2ogr command still fails due to not having the right driver.
You might want to also run gdalinfo --version to see if you are indeed
running what you think you are running instead of some other installation
that may be on your computer.

HTH, Eli

> Is anything special required to enable / load these plugins when using gdal
> tools? I assume this is the case because I also don't see the FGDB format
> listed which is also supposed to be included.
> Thanks again
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://osgeo-org.1560.n6.nabble.com/Absolutely-no-progress-trying-to-compile-GDAL-with-Oracle-support-on-Windows-tp5018926p5019194.html
> Sent from the GDAL - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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