I'm currently deploying a Gdal-based application on various Windows-PCs.

For some of them, there are integration problems, due to dll conflicts. As an 

1)      Here is my app directory structure :

  |-- gdal
  |    |
  |    |- gdal201.dll
  |    |- libeay32.dll
  |    |- ssleay32.dll
  |    |- ...
  |-- myApp.exe
  |-- othersDll.dll

2)      On some of the PCs I use, libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll are also 
present on C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder, in versions different from mines.

3)      When the app loads gdal201.dll, dependencies are loaded first in 
C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder ==> C:\Windows\SysWOW64 \libeay32.dll and 
ssleay32.dll are loaded, that causes a crash.

I checked that :

-          In GdalConfiguration.cs, GdalConfiguration(), my PATH env var is 
correctly overriden
var gdalPath = Path.Combine(executingDirectory, "gdal-2.0.1");
var nativePath = Path.Combine(gdalPath, GetPlatform());

// Prepend native path to environment path, to ensure the
// right libs are being used.
var path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH");
path = nativePath + ";" + Path.Combine(nativePath, "plugins") + ";" + path;
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", path);

-          Using a file access monitoring tool (ProcessMonitor, from 
Microsoft), I observe that dll search order is :

o   myApp.exe directory

o   C:\windows\ SysWOW64

o   C:\windows\System32

o   C:\...\MyApp\gdal-2.0.1

ð  This is not compliant with PATH overriding

After browsing internet (including the mailing-list :)), I don't want to :

-          Compile gdal statically,

-          Copy gdal dependencies in myApp.exe root directory,

-          Comment some lines of my makefile in order to avoid dependencies 
such as libeay32.dll or ssleay32.dll.

Have you got ideas about this problem ?

Thank you, Jérome Siot

(Excuse me for my awful English, I'm French !)

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