> It's better to use a sensible smoothing method in the first place. I 
> suppose noone has given this over much thought as in the past you were 
> ever so happy about every bit of resolution you could get. But in a time 
> where we get very high resolution LIDAR data, the need to downsample 
> properly is arising. Look at the interpolation methods: gdalwarp lists 
> twelve different ones. The first few are for upsampling, and the 
> remainder mostly for dealing with noisy data. Upsampling is well 
> covered: cubicspline and lanczos are reasonably sophisticated upsampling 
> filters, but there is no good downsampling filter. I think this is an 
> omission, hence my post. The problem is real; downsampling with 
> 'average' produces artifacts, even from previously upsampled data.

There’s a wide array of smoothing options available If you’re willing to work 
in python. Based on https://gis.stackexchange.com/a/10467, the basic idea is to 
load the raster into a numpy array and then convolve it with either a kernel of 
arbitrary size. 

I’ve written a program implementing that idea with both a Gaussian and a mean 
kernel here:
 It only smooths the data without downsampling, but there may be some python 
functions that downsample as well. 

There’s a lot of code in there for dealing with massive rasters by processing 
them in chunks in parallel, but the blur_mean and blur_gauss functions are 
where the smoothing is done. I’ve written an installation and usage guide at 

I’ve successfully used both the Gaussian blur and the Mesh Denoise methods to 
get rid of the surface “noise” (grass, alfalfa fields, etc) on half-meter 
lidar. I’ve combined the resulting hillshade with a 10 meter hillshade using 
gdalbuildvrt, but I haven’t found a good way to combine the 10m and half-meter 
DEMs yet.  

The valley floor slope layers on the Cache County parcel and zoning viewer were 
produced from the smoothed lidar DEM (cachecounty.org/gis, click on Parcel and 
Zoning Viewer, or direct link:; in the map, open 
the layer list, expand Sensitive/Planning Layers, turn on the two slope layers, 
then zoom in close so the parcel numbers don’t cover everything). 

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