On mardi 27 novembre 2018 14:16:19 CET Björn Harrtell wrote:
> Thanks for the clarifications Even,
> I've tried GMLAS but been unsuccessful in getting it to produce useful
> output.

I assume you had a schema to point to.
The GMLAS driver has been tested on a number of fairly complicated models 
(Inspire, CityGML, etc.) as well as Simple Feature ones, but I cannot exclude 
it might fail on some schemas. Or perhaps the structure it generates was too 
complicated (which just reflects the complexity of the original schemas) ?

> I'm actually quite happy with the standard GML driver, except that it
> ignores other attributes when element has xsi:nil. Would it be a welcome
> change to remove that behavior, treating other attributes as normal, and if
> so does that change need to be opt in?

If GML_ATTRIBUTES_TO_OGR_FIELDS is set, we could probably avoid treating 
xsi:nil as a particular case.


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