
Thanks for doing this huge lift. Not all heroes wear capes!

I'm still concerned about using the SWIG bindings to test the C API because
subtle defects in the wrappers could hide deeper bugs and wish there were
more direct tests, but RFC 72 is a big improvement.

I use pytest in most of my projects and like how it reduces the friction
for writing tests. It uses a lot of magic, which some Python developers
don't like, and so it isn't necessarily *the way* to test in Python. I
think there is a small risk that the hard to understand patterns of the
home-grown approach could be replaced by hard to understand fixtures in a
pytest approach. The example shown in the RFC, for example: is making a
fixture for every gdal-bin program or adding checker fixtures that make
multiple asserts patterns that will help or hurt long term? I'm not super
concerned, just want to point out that pytest isn't a panacea and doesn't
default to the golden path of testing.

Thanks again!

On Mon, Dec 3, 2018 at 4:49 PM Craig de Stigter <> wrote:

> Hi,
> This is a call for discussion on RFC 72: Update autotest suite to use
> pytest
> Summary:
> The document proposes and describes conversion of the existing Python
> autotest suite to use the ​pytest framework.
> Using pytest provides significant productivity gains for writing, reading
> and debugging python tests, compared with the current home-grown approach.
> --
> Please submit feedback soon, as we'd like to have this merged in time for
> the imminent GDAL 2.4.0 RC if possible.
> Thanks
> Craig de Stigter
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