
I hope that I am posting my question to the right mailing list.

Currently, I am investigating the use of GDAL.NET 2.3.1 installed as a NUGET package in VisualStudio 2017.

It works very well when it comes to reading geotiff using provided drivers etc. However, when it comes to performing a coordinate transformation from one geodesy to another I encounter a mismatch between actual and expected coordinates. I have illustrated this in the Test Method below, where I have tried to transform a coordinate from EPSG:32028 to EPSG:4326, my test fails the final two Asserts.AreEqual when testing "x" and "y".




// Setting environment variables and load all GDAL and OGR drivers



stringverInfo = Gdal.VersionInfo(string.Empty);

Assert.IsTrue(String.Compare(verInfo, "GDAL 2.3.1, released 2018/06/22", StringComparison.Ordinal)==0);

SpatialReference spatialSrc = newSpatialReference(string.Empty);


SpatialReference spatialDest = newSpatialReference(string.Empty);


CoordinateTransformation transformator = newCoordinateTransformation(spatialSrc, spatialDest);

double[] result = newdouble[3];

transformator.TransformPoint(result, 2397350, 386280, 0);

// Actual output:  x=-76.3056550480934,  y=41.2177849636383,  z=0.0

// EPSG.io output: x=-76.3053142,        y=41.217868

Assert.AreEqual(-76.3053142, result[0], 1e-6, "x"); // failure x=-76.3056550480934

Assert.AreEqual(41.217868, result[1], 1e-6, "y"); // failure y= 41.2177849636383


The static method GdalConfiguration() configure paths for proj lib, drivers etc as illustrated below:


///Construction of Gdal/Ogr




varexecutingAssemblyFile = newUri(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase).LocalPath;

varexecutingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(executingAssemblyFile);


thrownewInvalidOperationException("cannot get executing directory");

vargdalPath = Path.Combine(executingDirectory, "gdal");

varnativePath = Path.Combine(gdalPath, GetPlatform());

// Prepend native path to environment path, to ensure the

// right libs are being used.

varpath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH");

path = nativePath + ";"+ Path.Combine(nativePath, "plugins") + ";"+ path;

Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", path);

// Set the additional GDAL environment variables.

vargdalData = Path.Combine(gdalPath, "data");

Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GDAL_DATA", gdalData);

Gdal.SetConfigOption("GDAL_DATA", gdalData);

vardriverPath = Path.Combine(nativePath, "plugins");

Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GDAL_DRIVER_PATH", driverPath);

Gdal.SetConfigOption("GDAL_DRIVER_PATH", driverPath);

Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GEOTIFF_CSV", gdalData);

Gdal.SetConfigOption("GEOTIFF_CSV", gdalData);

varprojSharePath = Path.Combine(gdalPath, "share");

Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PROJ_LIB", projSharePath);

Gdal.SetConfigOption("PROJ_LIB", projSharePath);



///Method to ensure the static constructor is being called.


///<remarks>Be sure to call this function before using Gdal/Ogr/Osr</remarks>



if(_configuredOgr) return;

// Register drivers


_configuredOgr = true;




///Method to ensure the static constructor is being called.


///<remarks>Be sure to call this function before using Gdal/Ogr/Osr</remarks>



if(_configuredGdal) return;

// Register drivers


_configuredGdal = true;



I would expect that I do the GDAL initialisation correctly, including the coordinate transformation but the "wrong" result when comparing my results with http://epsg.io or similar sources indicate that I am missing something essential? I have spent a long time trying to find a solution to this issue, but with out result.

Looking forward to receive any suggestion of what might be wrong in my approach.

Many thanks in advance.


-Morten Breiner

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