Hi Sean,

> An empty string is printed to the terminal after the second warning. Note
> that behavior was different with rasterio 1.1.4, which
> set CHECK_WITH_INVERT_PROJ=YES internally in an attempt to improve the
> defaults.
> The warning comes from
> https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/blob/2818ff0a49f65741a55b9cea79df496cc05f85e3/
> gdal/frmts/grib/gribdataset.cpp#L2149 .
> Is this sensitivity expected?

I'd say this isn't completely unexpected if the corners of the dataset are far 
from the 
projection center. There might be convergence issues in the inverse projection 
method (or it 
might not try to converge down to the precision we expect with 

CHECK_WITH_INVERT_PROJ is mostly a gdalwarp implementation detail to make 
things work 
in some cases. I wouldn't advise to use it universally unless you know you need 
to use it (one 
good reason is that not all PROJ projection methods have an inverse method, 
even if most 
popular ones do have one)


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