I guess this is what you want:

        <Field name="XTsiz" type="uint32">132000</Field>
        <Field name="YTsiz" type="uint32">248000</Field>

Which I'm assuming means it's not tile.

On 2020-08-09 15:46, Even Rouault wrote:

On dimanche 9 août 2020 15:30:12 CEST Jonathan Moules wrote:

> Hi Even,


> Ah, it's comma delimited. I tried spaces.


> Here's the response, with with light editing to get rid of duplicate

> info (The bands are all the same). Nothing in the output with the string

> "tile".

Ah, sorry, I now see those debug traces aren't compiled in in release mode.

OK, so download


and run

python dump_jp2.py FILENAME.jp2 | grep Tsiz


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