Just realised that I excluded the wider from the group accidentally - so
added them back in .

> I looked a bit more into the mongodb driver. I think I would prefer not
using GDAL for saving into the database directly. And only using GDAL for >
importing different formats and transforming between projections.

Makes sense.

I must admit - since at the end you are deserializing the GeoJSON into a
FeatureCollection object I personally would avoid all of this and just
write the features directly to the FeatureCollection object.

But ..

I found this earlier today and got the same exception as him at the
> Marshal.Copy line (the Python version uses VSIFReadL).
> https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/gdal-dev/2018-July/048838.html
> *            var bufPtr = Gdal.VSIFOpenL(outputRasterFileName, "rb"); 
> //outputRasterFileName is now "/vsimem/file.tiff"
>             Gdal.VSIFSeekL(bufPtr, 0, 2); // seek to end
>             var size = Gdal.VSIFTellL(bufPtr);
>             Gdal.VSIFSeekL(bufPtr, 0, 0); // seek to beginning
>             Gdal.VSIFCloseL(bufPtr);
>             var data = new byte[size];
>             Marshal.Copy(bufPtr, data, 0, size);
>             Gdal.Unlink(outputRasterFileName);*
Could that be because you are closing the buffer with
`Gdal.VSIFCloseL(bufPtr)`? Why close it before you read it?

Did you get a valid pointer before closing it? What was the value of size?

> Den ons 11 nov. 2020 kl 14:44 skrev Paul Harwood <rune...@gmail.com>:
>> The MongoDB driver is definitely the way to go if you can :)
>> Or - since you seem to have a FeatureCollection class in the last line -
>> just right the Features directly to that?
>> But if all of that fails  - I am not sure you are right about VSIFOpenL -
>> did you actually try it? It is passing a pointer to the buffer. That
>> suggest that it expects you to read from the pointer yourself - in the c#
>> code. I am not sure why you would pass a pointer from the open method and
>> then require a "read" - that is only going to return a pointer to the same
>> thing again?
>> On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 at 12:36, Christian Sörensen <
>> christ...@uxproductions.se> wrote:
>>> I looked at VSIFOpenL, but the C# version seems to lack VSIFReadL, which
>>> is required for actually reading from the unmanaged virtual file memory
>>> after opening it.
>>> The last tip looked promising, I will have to take a look at the MongoDB
>>> driver. If it works it could be a good solution.
>>> Den ons 11 nov. 2020 kl 12:55 skrev Paul Harwood <rune...@gmail.com>:
>>>> Customers! What can you say about Customers! :) Seems the worst of all
>>>> possible worlds to me - but who are we to argue :)
>>>> However - there does appear to be `IntPtr Gdal.VSIFOpenL(utf8_path,
>>>> pszMode )`
>>>> I have never used it - so I don't know what it does but the name does
>>>> suggest that it is what you are looking for. You would probably have to do
>>>> something like:
>>>> I have no guarantee that this would work or provide anything you want.
>>>> BTW -I am bit confused that at the end you then deserialize the JSON -
>>>> which would surely turn it back from a string into objects? Are you sure
>>>> you need to do this? Are you sure something like
>>>> https://gdal.org/drivers/vector/mongodbv3.html#vector-mongodbv3 won't
>>>> do the job?
>>>> using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
>>>>>> * private FeatureCollection ImportShapeFile(IEnumerable<ImportFile>
>>>>>> files)        {            var tempJsonFilename = $"/vsimem/temp.json";
>>>>>>         GdalConfiguration.ConfigureGdal();
>>>>>> GdalConfiguration.ConfigureOgr();            try            {*
>>>>>> *                // Load shape                Driver shpDriver =
>>>>>> Ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile");                var shpFile =
>>>>>> files.First(f => f.Filename.EndsWith(".shp"));                Datasource
>>>>>> shpDatasource = Ogr.Open($"/vsimem/{shpFile.Filename}", 0);
>>>>>> if (shpDatasource == null)                    return null;
>>>>>> Layer shpLayer = shpDatasource.GetLayerByIndex(0);                // 
>>>>>> Setup
>>>>>> projection transform to WGS84                SpatialReference 
>>>>>> srcProjection
>>>>>> = shpLayer.GetSpatialRef();                SpatialReference 
>>>>>> destProjection
>>>>>> = new SpatialReference("");
>>>>>> destProjection.ImportFromEPSG(4326);                CoordinateTransform
>>>>>> transform = new CoordinateTransformation(srcProjection, destProjection);
>>>>>>             // Copy layer to geo json                Driver jsonDriver =
>>>>>> Ogr.GetDriverByName("GeoJSON");                DataSource jsonDataSource 
>>>>>> =
>>>>>> jsonDriver.CreateDataSource(tempJsonFilename, new string[] { });
>>>>>>     Layer jsonLayer = jsonDataSource.CreateLayer(shpLayer.GetName(),
>>>>>> destProjection, shpLayer.GetGeomType(), new string[] { });
>>>>>> Feature shpFeature = shpLayer.GetNextFeature();                while
>>>>>> (shpFeature != null)                {                    // Transform
>>>>>> geometry                    Geometry geometry =
>>>>>> shpFeature.GetGeometryRef();
>>>>>> geometry.Transform(transform);                    // Save feature to new
>>>>>> layer                    jsonLayer.CreateFeature(shpFeature);
>>>>>>       shpFeature = shpLayer.GetNextFeature();                }
>>>>>>  IntPtr buffer = Gdal.VSIFOpenL(tempJsonFilename, {some Mode value});*
>>>>>                       string result = Marshall.PtrToStringAnsi(buffer);
>>>>>> *                // Close all GDAL stuff
>>>>>> jsonLayer.Dispose();                jsonDataSource.Dispose();
>>>>>>   jsonDriver.Dispose();                shpLayer.Dispose();
>>>>>> shpDatasource.Dispose();                shpDriver.Dispose();
>>>>>> // Read json from buffer                var jsonText =
>>>>>> Encoding.UTF8.GetString(jsonBuffer, 0, jsonBuffer.Length); ;
>>>>>> var json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<FeatureCollection>(jsonText);
>>>>>>           return json;            }            catch (Exception 
>>>>>> exception)
>>>>>>           {                throw exception;            }
>>>>>> finally            {                // Clear files from GDAL
>>>>>> Gdal.Unlink(tempJsonFilename);                foreach (var file in files)
>>>>>>               {
>>>>>> Gdal.Unlink($"/vsimem/{file.Filename}");                }            }
>>>>>>   }*
>>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>>> Christian
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> *Christian Sörensen*
>>>>>> *UX Productions AB*
>>>>>> www.uxproductions.se | christ...@uxproductions.se | +46 (0)70 26 77
>>>>>> 212
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>>>>>> gdal-dev mailing list
>>>>>> gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org
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>>> --
>>> *Christian Sörensen*
>>> *UX Productions AB*
>>> www.uxproductions.se | christ...@uxproductions.se | +46 (0)70 26 77 212
>>> P Överväg miljöpåverkan innan du skriver ut detta e-postmeddelande
> --
> *Christian Sörensen*
> *UX Productions AB*
> www.uxproductions.se | christ...@uxproductions.se | +46 (0)70 26 77 212
> P Överväg miljöpåverkan innan du skriver ut detta e-postmeddelande
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