I forgot to add: I tried adding the .ovr file in a manner similar to the Cogger 
readme example but got an error:

$ cogger -output test.tif SPOT6_321_BeaverRiver_08Sep2018_NAD83_YAlbers.tif 

mucog write: load: cannot load multiple tifs if they contain overviews


From: Matt.Wilkie
Sent: June 8, 2021 11:19 AM
To: Gdal Dev <gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: cogger output has no overviews?


I took cogger for a first test drive and I'm confused. I'm relatively new to 
the world of Cloud Optimized Geotiffs, so I don't know if my confusion is about 
the COG format itself or cogger:

I fed a jpeg-in-geotiff file with external overviews (tif.ovr) and mask 
(tif.msk) to cogger. The output contains neither overviews or mask. Is that the 
expected result?

It's my understanding not having overviews is the rare case, and do that only 
if you know what you're doing (I don't!). Is there something I should be doing 
to keep or regenerate the overviews?

Gdalinfo reports for in and output attached. Gdal's validate-cog python script 
says the output is a valid cog, also attached.


Matt Wilkie
Geomatics Developer & Administrator
Environment | Technology, Innovation and Mapping
T 867-667-8133 | Yukon.ca<http://yukon.ca/>
Hours: 08:30-16:30, Mon-Wed: Office, Thu: Remote, Fri: Away.

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