Hi Sean,

did you manage to adapt rasterio / can we promote the release ?


Le 02/09/2021 à 17:21, Even Rouault a écrit :

Hi Sean,

sure we can delay a bit the release of the final tarballs. Anyway as we have the minimum 2 business day rule to pass a motion, this won't be before Monday. Those issues with axis order seem to be a never ending source of annoyance. Were existing before I got into the geo-business and will probably be still there when I retire...

I didn't anticipate that change to break rasterio, although those type of changes tend to have tricky consequences, but at the same time having AutoIdentifyEPSG() putting EPSG:4326 on a CRS with "wrong" axis order caused other issues.


Le 02/09/2021 à 17:19, Sean Gillies a écrit :
Oops, forgot to reply to the list. Also, to be more specific, could we hold 3.3.2 until Monday, September 6?

On Thu, Sep 2, 2021 at 9:10 AM Sean Gillies <s...@mapbox.com <mailto:s...@mapbox.com>> wrote:

    I wish I'd noticed the change around EPSG:4326 sooner. I didn't
    see a particular announcement, but the breakage was obvious in
    rasterio's CI builds with GDAL master and I should have been
    watching more closely.

    If people update GDAL to 3.3.2 they may break their applications
    that use rasterio. We'll probably be able to get a new version
    out by the end of the week or beginning of next week. Could we
    hold the release a few more days?

    On Thu, Sep 2, 2021 at 12:54 AM Even Rouault
    <even.roua...@spatialys.com <mailto:even.roua...@spatialys.com>>


        Having heard no issues being reported regarding RC3


        Adopt GDAL 3.3.2 RC3 as final 3.3.2 release

        Starting with my +1


-- Sean Gillies

Sean Gillies
My software is free, but my time generally not.

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