When we wrote the GDAL RFCs on sponsorship, we provided an escape clause to 
allow us to direct resources to other projects upon which GDAL depends. Our 
sponsorship numbers are still increasing, which provides us an opportunity to 
directly support some of those projects, and one of them is obviously GEOS. 
GEOS provides all of the geometry algebra support for GDAL/OGR and many other 
open source geospatial softwares including Shapely, PostGIS, GeoPandas, 
MapServer, and more. 

Dan Baston of the GEOS PSC has been identified as the developer with capacity 
and interest in the next year to take on GEOS development on APIs and 
performance, which he has a long history of doing for the project. This support 
should allow him to work longer, multi-release upgrades that will provide 
strong performance and convenience benefits for the project.

I motion to provide the GEOS PSC with a $50,000 USD grant to address 
performance, API, and other work that does not attract directed funding in 
GEOS. The GEOS PSC will be responsible for coordinating work tasks, rates, and 
development timelines. Howard Butler or Even Rouault of the GDAL NumFocus 
liaison team will coordinate dispersement as directed by the GEOS PSC and 
NumFocus rules.

Thank you again to the GDAL Sponsors who 
have made this kind of grant possible. A better GEOS makes for a better GDAL.


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