Le 02/08/2022 à 09:42, Michael Sumner a écrit :
Is it possible to determine the default SQL dialect  that will be used in the C++ API?

Short answer: no

Long answer: for a driver that is backed by a SQL engine (SQLite, GPKG, PG, MySQL, OCI, etc.), it will default to the RDBMS SQL engine, otherwise to OGR SQL.

It seems like the logic to pivot on dialect choice is only available to drivers internally (they know if they have one), so a map of formats is enough - but I wonder if I'm missing an API hook.

Also, there appears to be dialect values DEBUG, INDIRECT_SQLITE, MONGO_DB, and ES in use but I gather they are for internal use (and so properly don't appear in the documentation).

DEBUG is clearly for internal use (autotest). INDIRECT_SQLITE is documented at https://gdal.org/user/sql_sqlite_dialect.html?highlight=indirect_sqlite. The others are documented in the respective documentation driver pages


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