Hello GDAL Dev Team,

I read that the latest version of the ESRI File Geodatabase (OpenFileGDB) 
driver now supports write and update access to vector layers of File 
Geodatabases. This doc 
mentions that write capabilities are supported within GDAL >=3.6. However, from 
what I can tell, the latest version of GDAL is only 
3.5.1<https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/releases>. Can you please help clarify if 
version 3.6 has been released, or if write access is available within a 
different version?

Being able to write to ESRI FileGeoDatabase via GDAL will help me address this 
issue with the sf R package<https://github.com/r-spatial/sf/issues/1772>. Any 
insight is greatly appreciated!


Philip Orlando
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