In the GetNewtRawFeature() I am processing all fields and a previusly OFTString 
type field has to be changed into OFTStringList type. After that, It'll be 
probably a OFTString again.

I try to do that:

And when the destination driver gets it, the OFTStringList is again OFTString. 
I've lost the property by magic.

The line that does that is poDstFeature->SetFDefnUnsafe(poDstFDefn); in 
Translate() line5746 (probably).

So, there is a good way to change the type I've assigned in the constructor by 
the same but a "List" instead in the GetNextRawFeature()?

Sorry for asking a question (again) but I've been a long time trying to figure 
out what happens!


Abel Pau Garcia
GIS developer
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