Le 29/12/2023 à 22:10, Nyall Dawson a écrit :

On Sat, 16 Dec 2023, 1:03 am Even Rouault via gdal-dev, <gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org> wrote:

    Le 15/12/2023 à 15:49, Sebastiaan Couwenberg via gdal-dev a écrit :
    > On 12/15/23 15:35, Even Rouault via gdal-dev wrote:
    >> Thoughts ? (given the length of the email, it should probably be
    >> formalized as a RFC. I'll do that, unless there is a massive
    >> against the proposal...)
    > LERC doesn't support big endian architectures currently, only using
    > that on little endian architectures using the internal copy
    > works as expected. Using the external library would require
    > conditionals in the packaging which I'm not in favor of.

    - The Debian libtiff package already handles that conditional, so
    must certainly be a way of using the same trick for the GDAL build

    - The only user of LERC in GDAL (except for its libtiff internal
    is the MRF driver. I doubt MRF is used widely except in Esri data
    centers... So even if you don't want to change the GDAL build
    recipee to
    include a conditional liblerc dependency, that wouldn't be the end of
    the world.

Some ESRI image server layers are served up using lerc compression, eg the landcover tiles:


I was planning on doing some future work in qgis to support reading these layers by using gdal to do the lerc decompression, so I'd be disappointed if the lerc compression support is dropped.

Hi Nyall,

Interesting. Digging a bit more, I now see that the MRF driver can open Lerc blobs too (independently of the MRF extra stuff), so that can potentially be a way to get Lerc decompression working. And actually there's is a test in the WMS driver that uses MRF/LERC (https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/blob/master/autotest/gdrivers/wms.py#L872) which might be just what you need.

It would be nice if the GDAL Debian package could link liblerc in the future.


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