
According to https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7233.html#header.range , HTTP Range requests only apply to GET requests.  So COGs delivered through POST can indeed only be usable after full download.

BTW, someone should ask CNIG to include GeoTIFF SRS tags. At least, for file pnt_sentinel2_2020_invierno_mosaico_islas_canarias_b843_hu28_8bits.tif which has only ModelTiepointTag and ModelPixelScaleTag geotiff keys giving the geospatial extent, but no CRS keys.


Le 02/01/2024 à 13:14, Javier Jimenez Shaw via gdal-dev a écrit :

Does it make any sense to provide COG via HTTP POST method?
If I understand correctly, the "magic" of downloading only what is needed from the server is done with HTTP Range requests. But I am not sure if that works in POST method (it does work in GET method, when enabled ;). In case it could work with POST, I do not know how to tell GDAL or QGIS to use a POST method.

Why am I asking this? the CNIG (Natial Center of Geographic Information in Spain) is doing it. https://centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/index.jsp The link is just the starting point. Unfortunately they do not provide link to the final page where you can download the files (yes, ugly).

So for now I have to download the full file, and do whatever I want later.

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