Thanks for the suggestion. I can upgrade the setuptools and try again. Another 
question: is it possible to only build a specific driver plugin without 
rebuilding the GDAL?

From: Even Rouault <>
Date: Tuesday, March 19, 2024 at 4:44 PM
To: Fengting Chen <>, 
Subject: Re: [External] : Re: [gdal-dev] Python binding installation on windows

Le 19/03/2024 à 21:38, Fengting Chen a écrit :
I copied out the command from install_python_Release.cmake and ran it manually. 
Then it worked. Not sure why the command not invoked. I don’t see error from 
“cmake –build . –target install –config Release”.

My setuptools is 40.6.2.

Not sure if that's the reason, but that's pretty obsolete. 
swig/python/pyproject.toml now requires setuptools >= 67


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