Hi Even,

thanks for the reply! I had this feeling, but now I'm sure

Cheers and thanks


On 4/19/24 11:32, Even Rouault wrote:

Le 19/04/2024 à 10:25, Matteo Ghetta via gdal-dev a écrit :
Hi all,

I'm trying to export a PG table with several foreign keys to a geopackage.

What I tried so far are the native QGIS export and the QGIS Processing algorithm "Package layer" with the "Export related layers following..." option activated.

I'm checking ogr2ogr but I cannot see any option to include the export of the foreign keys. Is this option available in order to have a geopackage with the original table with all the other related tables?

In short, no

It might be possible to use the relationship API of https://gdal.org/api/gdaldataset_cpp.html#_CPPv4NK11GDALDataset20GetRelationshipNamesE12CSLConstList to build something around it. But adding foreign key constraint themselves would be tricky as it requires to rewrite the CREATE TABLE.


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