On Sat, 07 Jul 2012 13:39:56 +0800
Hong Xu <d...@hong.me> wrote:

> Whatever the answer is, can I put my plugin in 
> <https://github.com/geany/geany-plugins> ? This repository seems
> better maintained than mine.

I didn't have a look onto you code by now but in general you can add
you plugin also to geany-plugins project. I'd prefer you to having you
own fork of plugins and sending pull request against

> The second problem is that, how should I bundle a third party C
> library with my plugin?

I think Matthew answered here very well. It really depends on how common
this library is or if you are patching it in some kind. Well... I don't
like shipping to much libraries with one plugin as there is always an
question of updates in terms of a security fault etc. Also this might
could cause ending up in typical Windows scenario where you are
might having GTK installed about 1000 times - each GTK serving its own
application. So: if the library is typical packaged for target
platforms or if its available via a common way (e.g. ppa on Ubuntu,
some of the rpm-pages for SuSE or Fedora/RH/SL) and you don't have any
patches inside I wouldn't deliver it with the plugin but depend on it. 


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