Hi all,

I do feed pillbugs to small turtles, they like them a lot! The geckos have not seemed too interested. These have been discussed as food on turtle lists, and toxicity has never been mentioned, so I don't believe they are toxic. They are high in calcium! I have them in most of my terrariums, but pretty much don't see them, like others have mentioned. Locally we have the flatter softer kind and the harder ones that can roll into a ball, both gray. I'd be interested in the orange ones!


Lyle Puente wrote:

On Jan 21, 2005, at 8:06 AM, JCLoucek wrote:

Yep Lyle,
I'm still here.  Mostly lurking, though.

It's good to know some of our long time members are here lurking.

Very interesting about the sow bugs. Never would have thought of trying to raise them. Easy to reproduce are they?

Yes, I'm not sure about this batch, but if similar to others I have kept they should be easy.
I set one up in a peat based terrarium with plants and cork. Those I see now an dthen. I added some to a few with Geckos and other lizards to see how they do or if they are eaten. So far....I just dont see them.

  I am used to seeing them under
rocks and in damp basements.  Do they dessicate easily
in captivity?  Can they climb glass?

no cllmbing glass and so far Im not sure how delicate they are.


---- Original Message ---- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: gecko@lists.gekkota.com Subject: Re: [gecko] Orange Pill Bugs Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2005 10:11:06 +0100

Isopods vary extremely in their quality as food.
The common sowbugs were never eaten by any of my animals except toads
and helmeted geckos (Tarentola chazaliae). I am even eager to get rid
of any sowbug coming with collected moss because they're notorius
eaters of softshelled lizard-eggs.
On the other hand here in germany a small white tropical sowbug (very
softshelled) is a well-used and often cultivated food for any small
animal, be it frog, cham, or gecko.

A class of rollable Millipeds is often mistaken for the sowbugs that
can roll up. easiest-to-see difference is the count of legs on a
segment: while the isopod got one pair of legs/segment, the millipeds
got two pair/segment (DIPLOPODS). And the Millipeds are the toxic

Greetings from Hamburg

Sven Vogler

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lyle Puente" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: gecko@lists.gekkota.com
Subject: Re: [gecko] Orange Pill Bugs
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 15:03:41 -0500

Hi Mike, I haven't heard about any toxicity. Some species do exude and sticky noxious fluid when molsted. I don't know which and if this is toxic. I learned about their usefulness with chameleons years ago and have used them with unknown negative effects. Doesn't mean they don't have potential though. Any entomologists on the list care to comment ?

On Jan 20, 2005, at 2:44 PM, Mike Martin wrote:

lyle - you say that people use pill bugs in their terraria to

help break

down organic matter and consume mites. for some reason, i think


remember reading somewhere that pill bugs are toxic, otherwise i


would have attempted using them as a feeder or at least a

recycler in some

of my terraria. do you know anything about this as far as native


american pill bugs are concerned? i'd like to try them in at

least one of

my setups if you guys really think they're safe.


Lyle Puente
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