On 06/11/2016 10:42 PM, Saint Germain wrote:
> Hello,
> Using Geeqie on Debian stable (so version 1.2.3), I noticed that on
> some pictures, if I have "use color profiles" enabled, I see
> really incorrect colors for one second and then the correct colors are
> displayed.
> I experimented with a single RAW picture, with JPEG generated from
> several softwares. Some JPEG start with really incorrect colors, and
> then display the correct colors, and some others JPEG start with almost
> the exact colors right from the beginning.
> I tried removing the embedded color profile, but the result is the same.
> All my pictures are in the sRGB space.
> Could someone explain to me this behavior ? It is not that important
> but it is really bothering me because I don't see the reason.
> Thanks
Can you describe "really incorrect" further?  Are the hues wrong? 
Lightnesses?  Saturations?  Are black and/or white the wrong colors?

Geeqie definitely renders colors in two passes, where the first is not 
color-corrected and the second pass is color-corrected.

If you disable color management, do you see the same wrong colors, or is 
everything close-to-correct (even if not perfectly correct)?


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