Suggestion implementing the s/nohalo family and the nohalobox family
without an explicit, visible, parameter:

Would it be possible/desirable to use the current code (which has a
parameter) as some sort of template?

Then, the nohalobox code would produce four independent samplers:

sharperbox -> smoothing = 0
sharpbox -> smoothing = 1/3.
smoothbox -> smoothing = 2/3.
smootherbox -> smoothing = 1.

which could be called like, say, linear.

And the s/nohalo code would produce four independent samplers:

sharper -> nohalo (nohalo produces the same results as snohalo with smoothing = 
0, just faster)
sharp -> snohalo with smoothing = 1/3.
smooth -> snohalo with smoothing - 2/3.
smoother -> snohalo with smoothing = 1.

Nicolas Robidoux
Universite Laurentienne
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