From: Yoseph T Taher 
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 7:00 AM

I thought you would be interested in this story I found on MSN: Iraq to hang 27 
Isis members over role in massacre of army recruits at Camp Speicher 

Iraq to hang 27 Isis members over role in massacre of army recruits at Camp 

 The IndependentBethan McKernan
9 hrs ago
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© Provided by Independent Print LimitedA court in Iraq has sentenced 27 Isis 
soldiers to death by hanging over their role in a massacre of up to 1,700 army 
recruits in 2014.

One of Isis’ earliest gruesome propaganda videos was of the execution-style 
killings at Camp Speicher in northern Iraq when the organisation launched its 
surprise offensive over the border from Syria in June that year.

There were between 4,000 - 11,000 cadets stationed at the base near Tikrit when 
Isis overran it. Isis divided up their captives depending on whether they were 
Shia, Sunni or non-Muslim, and murdered an estimated 1,095 non-Sunni soldiers, 
a later inquiry by Iraq’s Human Rights Ministry estimated. The true number of 
men still missing is not known, but estimates range up to 1,700 people.

The victims were trucked to various locations, including a former palace of 
Saddam Hussein, lined up and shot at point black range, beheaded, or choked to 

Some bodies were disposed of in the Tigris River, and at least 12 mass graves 
were discovered when Iraqi coalition forces managed to retake the city and 
surrounding area in 2015.

As well as this week’s sentencing, 36 Isis members were hanged in August 2016 
after being found guilty of the same crime in a mass trial. Another 25 suspects 
have been released due to a lack of evidence.

The sentenced men have the right to appeal the court’s decision.

The death sentences come as rights groups have expressed concern over possible 
abuses of men accused of being in Isis following the recapture of the city of 
Mosul, which effectively means the end of Isis' rule in the country.

More than 5,000 men suspecting of fighting on behalf of the militants are 
thought to currently being held in overcrowded and stiflingly hot conditions in 
local prisons.

“Prisoners are infected with diseases, lots of health and skin problems, 
because they're not exposed to the sun,” one prison warden told the AP last 
month, speaking on condition of anonymity.

“The majority can't walk. Their legs are swollen because they can't move.”

For many Iraqi soldiers and civilians, there is very little sympathy for those 
accused of fighting with Isis.

But detainees protest their innocence - and organisations such as Human Rights 
Watch have repeatedly accused Iraqi forces of unlawful interrogations, beatings 
and even executions of men and boys believed to be Isis which could amount to 
war crimes.

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