Kebrutalan imperialisme Indonesia:

 Since 1963, an estimated 500,000 West Papuans have died at the hands of the 
brutal Indonesian occupying forces, accounting for more than 25% of the 
population. These numbers have been ratified by several studies and human 
rights groups (including The International Association of Genocide Scholars and 
Yale Law School). Daily killing, torture and imprisonment without trial by the 
Indonesian military and police carries on with no consequences and little 

are among the most vulnerable members of the human race, some whose only 
encounter with “foreigners” has been marked with violence, oppression and 

  FEBRUARY 13, 2017 22:02

 An activist shouts near a police line during a rally to commemorate the West 
Papuan declaration of independence. (photo credit: REUTERS)

 As a Jew living in the UK, I have always been frustrated but also curious as 
to this country’s disproportionate treatment and coverage of the 
Israel-Palestine conflict. My moment of “enlightenment” was during the civil 
war in Sri Lanka at the turn of the century. Thousands of Tamils were being 
tortured and killed by the Singhalese government. I recall watching a 
demonstration outside the Sri Lankan embassy on TV. There could not have been 
more than 50 people there (mainly ex-pats). The next day I was walking around 
the West End of London and came upon an anti-Israel demonstration. There were 
tens of thousands (a mix of all races and faiths) protesting a recent Israeli 
retaliatory bombing mission that destroyed some houses and killed three people.


 I started researching other global conflicts and human rights concerns that 
were being marginalized and ignored due to the power politics in the United 
Nations and the media’s infatuation with Israel. Partly due to this as well, 
during a stint living in Australia I became involved in the movement for 
self-determination for the people of West Papua.

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One of the most brutal ongoing genocides barely registers a blip on the global 
radar. How many have even heard of the West Papuan plea for freedom? 

West Papua covers the western half of the island of New Guinea just 250 km. 
north of Australia (the independent nation of Papua New Guinea covering the 
eastern half). Colonized for hundreds of years, in 1961, West Papua was 
promised independence by its former Dutch colonists. The international 
community handed administration to the UN and signed the New York Agreement in 
1962 promising to provide a referendum allowing Papuans to determine whether 
they wanted independence or union with Indonesia.

However, in 1963 West Papua was taken over militarily by Indonesia and 
illegally occupied.

During the so called “Act of Free Choice” in 1969, the Indonesian government 
claimed that West Papuans were too “primitive” to cope with democracy and 
handpicked just 1,026 West Papuan elders and forced them at gunpoint to vote in 
favor of integration with Indonesia.

The West looked away even though the UN observers conceded that the individuals 
were placed under duress and forced to vote yes to annexation.

It was the time of the Cold War, with Indonesia tilting toward the Soviets, and 
it was deemed that appeasing Indonesia was more important than 
self-determination for the people of West Papua. There was and still is the 
matter of the rich natural resources in the region, including one of the 
biggest gold mines in the world which is still subject to an extremely 
profitable partnership between the West and Indonesia.

Since 1963, an estimated 500,000 West Papuans have died at the hands of the 
brutal Indonesian occupying forces, accounting for more than 25% of the 
population. These numbers have been ratified by several studies and human 
rights groups (including The International Association of Genocide Scholars and 
Yale Law School). Daily killing, torture and imprisonment without trial by the 
Indonesian military and police carries on with no consequences and little 

While the Indonesian government continues to brutalize and persecute any West 
Papuan that calls for freedom, many bravely continue to do so. Despite this, 
little is reported by the press or appears in the international media.

Unfortunately, for Papuans, their oppression sits at the heart of international 
power politics, which Israel can also claim to be a victim of.

Indonesia is an important member of the powerful 57 country-strong Organization 
of Islamic Cooperation, a nation strategically important for the West and one 
which the British government claims shares “common interests and values.”

Indonesia is a staunch supporter of Palestinian rights and refuses to recognize 
the State of Israel. The hypocrisy is preposterous.

The leader of the Free West Papua Organization, Benny Wenda (currently living 
in exile in the UK), says, “How can Indonesia support Palestine’s independence 
and sovereignty, while the Papuan People are still colonized by Indonesia? How 
can Indonesia actively be involved in the peaceful settlement of the Palestine 
question at the UN, while it is rejecting any form of peaceful settlement of 
the political status of West Papua?” 

Papuans are among the most vulnerable members of the human race, some whose 
only encounter with “foreigners” has been marked with violence, oppression and 

When considering the number of Papuan victims of the Indonesian regime, is it 
right and just that the people of West Papua are being ignored as their cause 
is not politically convenient, doesn’t sell papers or wins votes (as clearly 
the Israel-Palestine conflict does and will)? 

All that is left is for good people to say enough is enough and call on 
international bodies, human rights organizations and politicians place it on 
the global agenda.

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