Just saw such a news release, Bill Gates publicly criticized Trump: ``You
don't trust any Chinese, you don't trust Huawei, you don't trust Chinese
scientists, you don't trust Chinese programmers and other technical
personnel. Then in the world,  No other scientist can be worthy of your

 Why is Bill Gates so anxious?
 Because there is a mysterious Chinese gangster, the epidemic period
suddenly served the motherland!

 The resume of this Chinese can be described as "Wang Bo". He is the
highest-ranking Chinese of all giant companies in the United States! He is
also the most powerful Chinese in the Silicon Valley technology circle!

 The people who have stirred the world for 20 years, actually served the
motherland during the dangerous epidemic period!

 He-is Shen Xiangyang.
 Shen Xiangyang, born in 1966, is too smart and too "defeated". His life is
soaring: at the age of 12, he has graduated from junior high school when he
was a junior high school student; then he has only been in junior high
school for two years, and is under 14 years old.  , Around the age of 20,
obtained a master's degree in electrical and electronic engineering from
the University of Hong Kong!*

 After that, Shen Xiangyang was admitted to the top computer school in the
United States: Carnegie Mellon University to study for a doctorate. One
step is the first step, and every step is ten streets.

 After graduating with a doctorate degree, Shen Xiangyang chose artificial
intelligence as his future direction. Regardless of today's artificial
intelligence, it is a sweet pastry all over the world. But more than 30
years ago, there was no interest in this field. Whoever wants to study
this, I am sorry, too  It's too remote to be too remote. Talking about
``artificial intelligence'' with anyone will definitely be treated as a

 However, Shen Xiangyang recognized this, almost the most cutting-edge
research in the world, in the eyes of scientific researchers, the future in
30 years is already at hand.
 In 1994, when he announced the first three-dimensional artificial
intelligence model, almost no one in the world was doing similar work in
this field; the paper he wrote was the earliest in the world, which was
converted from photos to virtual  For practical research, the ``Quartet
Tree Spline Number Function Algorithm'' he designed is the best motion
parameter estimation algorithm in the world.

 In that era when Chinese doctors in the United States were not taken
seriously, Shen Xiangyang was directly ``snatched away'' by Apple and
Microsoft by issuing employment letters. He finally chose Microsoft, the
world's most famous American giant.

 As good as he is, even in the US giants such as masters, I can still
``play around''! Shen Xiangyang developed Microsoft's second largest search
engine in North America-Bing/Bing;
 There are also emotional robots, Microsoft artificial
 In those years, due to the backwardness of China's high technology,
foreign countries looked down on us, especially giant companies like
Microsoft. In the executive camp, there was almost no place for Chinese
people. It was Shen Xiangyang who broke foreign prejudice against us!
 In 2004, Shen Xiangyang became the dean and chief scientist of Microsoft
Research Asia. He was only 38 years old, reaching the height that others
can reach at the age of 50!
 In 2006, he became the world's largest top society: IEEE Fellow (Institute
of Electrical and Electronic Engineers)
 In 2007, at the most glorious moment in Shen Xiangyang's life, Microsoft
gave him the highest level of treatment: Global Senior Vice President

 In the American giant company 𥚃, there is an unwritten rule that the
position of vice president must be of U.S. nationality, but Shen Xiangyang
has worked for Microsoft for more than 20 years, and he is of Chinese
nationality from beginning to end, even for the high-ranking vice president
position, he did not let go  To join the American citizenship, what a
concession was made by the United States in order to keep him!
 Since then, Shen Xiangyang has become the highest-ranking Chinese among
all giant companies in the United States! He is also the most powerful
Chinese in the Silicon Valley technology circle!

 Among the international giants, one of the few Chinese executives, he is
Microsoft's "King Explosion" brand, known as the "Father of Artificial
Intelligence", and has stirred the world of artificial intelligence for 20

 Some people may ask, when Baidu President Dr. Qi Lu returned to China,
didn't he say that he also represented the highest level of artificial

 Lu Qi is indeed a legend, but what I want to tell you is that Lu Qi was
able to enter Microsoft because of the recommendation of his senior brother
Shen Xiangyang!

 From a foreign perspective, Shen Xiangyang is the chief scientist in the
American technology circle and artificial intelligence field, even half of
Dr. Lu's body.
 The Massachusetts Institute of Technology commented: If you have
difficulty supporting Microsoft emotionally, then you have not met Shen

 Rick Reis, founder of Microsoft Research, commented: Shen Xiangyang has
allowed Microsoft Research Asia to grow to an incredible height.

 Europe and the United States gave him the highest level of treatment: the
foreign academician of the National Academy of Engineering and the foreign
academician of the Royal Academy of Engineering.

 In 2011, he won the National Asian American Outstanding Engineer of the
Year Award;
 In 2014, Microsoft's annual Technology Leader Award... For the world, Shen
Xiangyang, China is in the IT industry (artificial intelligence), and can
almost crush the "god" of everyone, standing there, representing  Chinese
can do it!

 With such success and fame, he is the light of the Chinese with a
brilliant resume, but because of his low-key, apart from the artificial
intelligence community who regards him as a ``male god'', in the eyes of
ordinary people, he is a mysterious and unknown ``big guy''.

 Until November last year, he stirred up waves in one fell swoop.

 Microsoft suddenly announced that Shen Xiangyang had resigned from the
position of vice president due to personal reasons and returned to China in
February 2020.
 What kind of personal reasons? Microsoft did not say much, and some people
analyzed that it was because the U.S. suppression of Huawei over the past
six months has stirred Shen Xiangyang’s patriotic indignation. After all,
Shen Xiangyang has always had China in his heart.

 As early as 1998, he had just established a foothold at Microsoft and saw
the backwardness of domestic artificial intelligence, and immediately ran
back to Beijing to participate in the establishment of Microsoft China
Research Institute (later renamed Microsoft Asia Research Institute) and
served as the director of the computing group.

 The establishment of this research institute is of great significance to
China.It is a milestone in artificial intelligence and can be called the
``Whampoa Military Academy'' in China's IT industry.

 In the past ten years, Shen Xiangyang has continuously introduced
Microsoft's advanced technology into the Chinese market.

 In 2004, after he became the dean of Microsoft Asia Research Institute, he
even turned this research institute into a cradle of talented people in the
Chinese science and technology community, and a total of more than 7,000
alumni went out.

 It can be said to support half of China's artificial intelligence: among
them, more than 200 alumni have taught in top universities around the
world, and 35 alumni are members of the American Institute of Electrical
and Electronic Engineers, the American Computer Association, or the
American Society for Artificial Intelligence; more than 15 colleges  You
are the president of the top 500 companies, and Chinese Internet giants
such as Ali, Baidu, and Xiaomi, and now Alibaba's big brother Wang Jian and
Xiaomi founder Lin Bin have all studied and worked there.

 This research institute is hailed by the MIT Technology Review as the
world's hottest computer laboratory.

 Someone asked, how great is Shen Xiangyang's contribution?
 The authoritative statement in the industry is: he has led the field of
artificial intelligence in China. Such a world-renowned ``big man'' decided
to resign and return to China last year.
 Microsoft China has done something that it has never done before. It
issued a thank-you letter, calling Shen Xiangyang "Mr. Microsoft of China,
Microsoft Ambassador of China", and said "Twenty-three years, the heart of
a child!  Thousands of words, it's hard to complain about parting

 I have resigned, and I am still so reluctant. Microsoft has never attached
such importance to a Chinese!

 The headline in the media was: Shen Xiangyang resigned, and there are no
Chinese executives in the U.S. technology giants. The United States has
retained many times, and many people do not understand. Shen Xiangyang has
reached the pinnacle of artificial intelligence, and the United States has
also given the best treatment.  What is he missing? Actually, the reason is
very simple, no amount of money can buy Shen Xiangyang's shining ``Chinese

 February 2020 is the day when he plans to return to China, but the sudden
epidemic has blocked him from the country.

 Some gloaters jumped out again: "China's economy has been hit by the
epidemic, and Shen Xiangyang will definitely not go back. Will he dare to
do it after the epidemic is so severe? Can he get back after the economic

 Indeed, when the epidemic swept through China, it was the most severe
moment. Many overseas talents were waiting and watching. Which scientist
would dare to take risks?

 In the past two months, there has been no news about Shen Xiangyang. Even
many people in the country have begun to feel that Shen Xiangyang will not
come back. Why does he come back so well?  Now that the epidemic is
blocked, why come back?
 However, when Shen Xiangyang was hired by Tsinghua University on March 5,
everyone was surprised!
 He has been away for a while, that is to say, when the domestic epidemic
in February is still serious, he has already taken the risk to decide to
serve his country!  Speaking of it, he will do it!

 Tsinghua University announced on March 5:
 Shen Xiangyang became a double-appointed professor at Tsinghua University
Institute of Advanced Studies!

 Today, on the official website of the Institute for Advanced Study of
Tsinghua University, Shen Xiangyang's doctoral enrollment plan can be
found.He wants to cultivate new AI talents for the motherland.

 After learning that Shen Xiangyang returned, Microsoft founder Bill Gates
was anxious to publicly accuse Trump: ``If you can't trust Huawei, as well
as Chinese scientists and developers, there will be no talent you want in
the world, you must  I will regret letting these Chinese scientists leave!''

 As for Shen Xiangyang's low-key return, there has not been too much
multimedia propaganda in the past four months, but now, all Chinese people
must know him!
 At Microsoft, he has two identities:
 • One is the global vice president,
 • One is the chief scientist.

 In the world, he has two identities, one is a foreign academician of the
U.S. National Academy of Engineering, and a foreign academician of the
Royal Academy of Engineering. But in the end he has only one identity, and
that is: Chinese.

 During the epidemic, at the most difficult moment of the motherland, Shen
Xiangyang chose to return to the country.He was a torch held high in the
dark, illuminating the way for the return of overseas talents.

 This "male god" recognized by the artificial intelligence industry will
surely trigger a new wave of returning to China. The return of talents and
the rise of China will be unstoppable!

 After returning to China, Shen Xiangyang proposed: Quantum computing will
be the technological trend of the next decade.

 He also said that artificial intelligence played a huge role in the fight
against the epidemic: ``The development of artificial intelligence is
really beneficial to mankind, especially the recent epidemic, which gives
artificial intelligence a real opportunity to apply to many aspects. On the
one hand, artificial intelligence accelerates,  Promote preventive
diagnosis and treatment; on the other hand, through AI data analysis, it is
possible to determine the characteristics, changes, and trends of the
spread of the epidemic from the aspects of global health and epidemiology,
and use remote collaboration to allow doctors from all over the world to
see together.  To deal with risks.''

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