Thank you Antoine, this error can be fixed, when you replace all CRLF by CR in the shader files (eg. with Notepad++).

Does someone else know the error message, when loading shader files??
     linking: link 1.5 3.5
     [glsl_program]: Info_log:
     [glsl_program]: Vertex info
     (0) : error C5145: must write to gl_Position
     [glsl_program]: Link failed!

Br, Michael

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [GEM-dev] Oculus Rift distortion/support
From: Antoine Villeret <>
To: Cyrille Henry <>
Cc: Michael Mihocic <>, gem-dev <>
Date: 11.09.2013 20:14

I confirm that the example "01.simple_texture.pd" doesn't work for me on Windows 7 with pd-extended 0.44-0 and Gem 0.93.3
And none of the 10.glsl/ example work.
All send the same errors:
 [glsl_vertex]: error reading file
 [glsl_fragment]: error reading file


do it yourself

2013/9/11 Cyrille Henry < <>>


    this shaders works for me.
    i don't know the cause of the problem.


    Le 11/09/2013 13:40, Michael Mihocic a écrit :

        Thanks again for your help!!

        What I did:
        - I downloaded and installed Pd-extended for Windows from
        here: (v0.43.4,
        Windows Installer)
        - I started pd with "pd-extended.bat" in pd folder
        - When I'm running pd all GEM details are displayed
        (version,...) -> I guess GEM is loaded properly
        - I opened example patch 01.simple_texture.pd in folder
        - I can load the images but when I want to load the shader
        these error messages are displayed:
             [glsl_vertex]: error reading file
             [glsl_fragment]: error reading file
        - after replacing all CRLF by CR I receive different error
        messages, as I described below!?
        I could load neither .vert nor .frag files! I will send them
        to you in a seperate email.
        The files are existing and found by pd, otherwise I would
        receive a different error message....

        Br, Michael

        -------- Original Message --------
        Subject: Re: [GEM-dev] Oculus Rift distortion/support
        From: Cyrille Henry < <>>
        To: <>
        Date: 11.09.2013 12:03

            Le 11/09/2013 08:35, Michael Mihocic a écrit :

                Dear list,

                I tried to get familiar with shaders in GEM. I started
                with "01.simple_texture.pd" in folder 10.glsl.

                I can start rendering (checking "rendering") but I
                cannot load shaders. After checking the rendering
                checkbox 2 errors occur:
                     [glsl_vertex]: need to load a shader
                     [glsl_fragment]: need to load a shader

                When I try to use shaders (click on "load shader") I
                receive the error message:
                     linking: link 1.5 3.5
                     [glsl_program]: Info_log:
                     [glsl_program]: Vertex info
                     (0) : error C5145: must write to gl_Position
                     [glsl_program]: Link failed!

                These errors occur when I either try to open a ".vert"
                or a ".fraq" file! Do you have any ideas what I could
                try to use different shaders??? Below I'm listing my
                system details:

            are you really sure you did not modifies oher things in
            the shader code?
            if so, could you send them to me so that i can check.

                - pd: 0.43.4-extended
                - GEM: 0.93.3
                - System: Windows 7-64
                - Folder contains no spaces:
                - I replaced all CRLFs with CRs as I found in
                (otherwise I get the errors
                     [glsl_vertex]: error reading file
                     [glsl_fragment]: error reading file
                - I also tried to run pd with Admin permissions

                Thanks in advance!!

                Br, Michael

                -------- Original Message --------
                Subject: Re: [GEM-dev] Oculus Rift distortion/support
                From: Jack < <>>
                To: <>
                Date: 25.07.2013 12 <tel:25.07.2013%2012>:22


                    Yep, and if oculus doesn't provide a shader for
                    barrel distortion, there
                    is plenty of example on the web.


                    Le 25/07/2013 12:17, Cyrille Henry a écrit :


                        one have to use shader in order create the
                        image distortion.

                        i think oculus should provide standard shader
                        that you have to insert
                        in your rendering process.

                        the only problem is that you have to do 2
                        rendering : one for each eye.
                        The best solution is to do a 3 pass rendering :
                        1st : left eye view without distortion,
                        rendered in a frame buffer
                        2nd : right eye view (no distortion / framebuffer)
                        3rd : using the 2 previous texture and a
                        shader, render the final image


                        Le 25/07/2013 12:04, Michael Mihocic a écrit :

                            Dear list,

                            we are using GEM with a
                            head-mounted-display to present a virtual
                            world to subjects performing acoustic
                            localization experiments.

                            Now we plan to switch from our current HMD
                            to Oculus Rift (an
                            upcoming virtual reality head-mounted
                            display). Therefore we need to
                            modify our image and add (asymetric)
                            barrel distortion to the
                            represented image. (The image distortion
                            is compensated by the lenses
                            in Oculus Rift.)

                            My questions now:
                            - Is there an easy solution to implement
                            barrel distortion to the
                            rendered window in GEM?
                            - Does anybody of you already have some
                            experience with GEM together
                            with Oculus Rift?

                            Since attachments should be avoided in
                            this list, I do not send any
                            example pictures of the distortion or our
                            current presented world. If
                            you are interested you can either contact
                            me and I can send you some
                            screenshots, or you can google for example
                            images/videos of Oculus
                            Rift distortion.

                            Thanks in advance and best regards, Michael

                        GEM-dev mailing list

                    GEM-dev mailing list

                Michael Mihocic
                Psychoacoustics & Experimental Audiology
                Acoustics Research Institute <>
                Austrian Academy Of Sciences <>
                Wohllebengasse 12-14 / 1
                A-1040 Vienna, Austria
                Tel: +43 (1) 51581 2515
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                Tel: +43 (1) 51581 2525
                <tel:%2B43%20%281%29%2051581%202525> (Lab)
                Fax: +43 (1) 51581 2530

                GEM-dev mailing list

            GEM-dev mailing list

        Michael Mihocic
        Psychoacoustics & Experimental Audiology
        Acoustics Research Institute <>
        Austrian Academy Of Sciences <>
        Wohllebengasse 12-14 / 1
        A-1040 Vienna, Austria
        Tel: +43 (1) 51581 2515 <tel:%2B43%20%281%29%2051581%202515>
        Tel: +43 (1) 51581 2525 <tel:%2B43%20%281%29%2051581%202525> (Lab)
        Fax: +43 (1) 51581 2530 <tel:%2B43%20%281%29%2051581%202530> <>

        GEM-dev mailing list <>

    GEM-dev mailing list <>

Michael Mihocic
Psychoacoustics & Experimental Audiology
Acoustics Research Institute <>
Austrian Academy Of Sciences <>
Wohllebengasse 12-14 / 1
A-1040 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43 (1) 51581 2515 (Office)
Tel: +43 (1) 51581 2525 (Lab)
Fax: +43 (1) 51581 2530 <>
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