> On Dec. 1, 2015, 5:58 p.m., Nilay Vaish wrote:
> > src/cpu/o3/probe/elastic_trace.hh, lines 357-359
> > <http://reviews.gem5.org/r/3090/diff/1/?file=49197#file49197line357>
> >
> >     Do we really need this?  I would rather always trace the virtual 
> > address as well.  I don't think there are any code correctness or clarity 
> > or performance gains to be made from this check.

I haven't done the comparison, but my guess is that it'd grow the trace by 
about 10%. AFAIK, the protobuf format should be pretty good at handling unused 
fields. Besides, there are cases where the virtual address isn't meaningful 
(e.g., when tracing device accesses).

Also, making virtual addresses mandatory would only really affect the probe. We 
would still have to handle the case where old traces don't contain them.

- Andreas

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On Sept. 3, 2015, 5:17 p.m., Curtis Dunham wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> http://reviews.gem5.org/r/3090/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Sept. 3, 2015, 5:17 p.m.)
> Review request for Default.
> Repository: gem5
> Description
> -------
> This patch adds support to optionally capture the virtual address and asid
> for load/store instructions in the elastic traces. If they are present in
> the traces, Trace CPU will set those fields of the request during replay.
> This patch adds to the "Elastic Traces" patch series of RB3026-3031,3089.
> Diffs
> -----
>   src/cpu/o3/probe/ElasticTrace.py PRE-CREATION 
>   src/cpu/o3/probe/elastic_trace.hh PRE-CREATION 
>   src/cpu/o3/probe/elastic_trace.cc PRE-CREATION 
>   src/cpu/trace/trace_cpu.hh PRE-CREATION 
>   src/cpu/trace/trace_cpu.cc PRE-CREATION 
>   src/proto/inst_dep_record.proto PRE-CREATION 
>   util/decode_inst_dep_trace.py PRE-CREATION 
>   util/encode_inst_dep_trace.py PRE-CREATION 
> Diff: http://reviews.gem5.org/r/3090/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> Thanks,
> Curtis Dunham

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