> On Nov. 12, 2015, 8:08 p.m., Joel Hestness wrote:
> > src/mem/slicc/symbols/StateMachine.py, line 313
> > <http://reviews.gem5.org/r/3192/diff/2/?file=51487#file51487line313>
> >
> >     Not sure if this should be fixed before commit, but I feel it should be 
> > fixed at some point:
> >     
> >     It seems like we should be using better inheritance here. For the 
> > interface with a cache state machine, is there a difference between a 
> > Sequencer and a Coalescer? If not, these getCPUSequencer and 
> > getGPUCoalescer functions should be merged to return a type from which both 
> > Sequencer and GPUCoalescer descend (e.g. in review request 3189, 
> > GPUCoalescer copies much of the Sequencer functionality, so it seems like 
> > GPUCoalescer should descend from Sequencer and just overload 
> > functionality). Elsewhere in this patch where you need to decide whether to 
> > accumulate sequencer or coalescer stats, we could use an accessor function 
> > in the common ancestor type that indicates whether the attached 
> > RubyPort/Sequencer is a "sequencer" or "coalescer". The interfaces for 
> > these types appear nearly identical, and this would keep the modifications 
> > to SLICC to a minimum (e.g. these changes would not be necessary).
> Brad Beckmann wrote:
>     There is a difference between the GPUCoalescer and Sequencer APIs.  
> Though they have similar named functions, they require different arguments 
> and behave very differently.  Also note that it GPUCoalescer and/or Sequencer 
> pointers are passed into the machines, not RubyPort pointers.  I think it 
> would be very hard to change that.
>     The GPUCoalescer behaves very differently than the Sequencer.  If you 
> actually diff the cc files, you will notice that well over 90% of the lines 
> are different and that no two functions are the same.  There is some Alpha 
> LLSC cruft in the GPUCoalescer that doesn't make much sense to be there.  
> Perhaps that is why you think there is a lot of copying between the two 
> files?  Would you feel better about this patch if we removed the LLSC cruft 
> from the GPUCoalescer in 3189?
> Joel Hestness wrote:
>     Apologies for the push here, but I don't feel you're representing these 
> differences accurately. It looks trivial to align and unify these C++ 
> classes. Let's break it down:
>     1) Their current common APIs: Both Sequencers and GPUCoalescers are 
> RubyPorts, so they implement that common API. Nothing to do here.
>     2) Beyond that, Sequencers implement read and write callbacks from SLICC 
> machines, and GPUCoalescers implement atomic callbacks. Sure, the parameters 
> for GPUCoaleser callbacks are different from Sequencer callbacks, but it's 
> because no effort has been made to unify them; Specifically, all of the read 
> AND write callbacks in GPUCoalescer just call the callback with the most 
> generic parameter list. The same effect can be achieved using default 
> parameters, unifying these callbacks with the Sequencer callbacks. A 
> Sequencer may implement the atomicCallback in the future (e.g. we could use 
> it with the current organization of gem5-gpu), so it can be added to the 
> common API.
>     3) Finally, for now, the recordCP*CallBacks can be left as members of 
> GPUCoaleser, though they are pretty hacky: They record stats in coalescers 
> when data is returned through sequencers. However, if there was better 
> Sequencer/GPUCoalescer abstraction, you would only need to connect a 
> sequencer OR a coalescer to those state machines (rather than both), AND you 
> could eliminate the strange use_seq_not_coal variable.
>     Overall, I feel strongly that Sequencers and GPUCoalescers need to be 
> interchangeable at the interface to cache controllers, because it is likely 
> that users will want flexibility to use either (your GPU protocols already 
> suggest that you're hacking around unifying their interfaces - e.g. 
> MachineType:TCP). It would be nice if some more thought could go into how and 
> when to make this happen.
> Brad Beckmann wrote:
>     1) Yes, they implement the same APIs, but their implementations are very 
> different
>     2) Unifying the parameters is a lot of work.  Even if we unified the 
> parameters, the callback functionality is different.  For instance 
> Seq->hitcallback only process one pkt, where Coal->hitcallback processes 
> several packet responses using a two phase approach (hitcallback calls 
> completeHitCallback). 
>     3) I'm not against what you suggest, but don't let that hang up this 
> patch.  There is a lot of subtle issues trying to accomplish 
> interchangeablity.  As I recall, we tried to do that but we determined it 
> would not be easy and it wasn't worth the effort.
>     Can you please just let us check in this patch?
> Joel Hestness wrote:
>     Sure. I was merely suggesting that we should have a plan for how this 
> gets addressed. It would be my preference that AMD plan to merge the 
> Sequencer and GPUCoalescer at a later date. Is that agreeable?

I agree at a later date we will revamp the entire Sequencer/Coalescer design.  
In particular, as I described to you a couple months ago, I want to decouple 
the storage between pending requests and issued requests.  I think that will 
resolve a lot of confusion.

- Brad

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On Nov. 9, 2015, 9:16 p.m., Tony Gutierrez wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> http://reviews.gem5.org/r/3192/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Nov. 9, 2015, 9:16 p.m.)
> Review request for Default.
> Repository: gem5
> Description
> -------
> Changeset 11199:5d5bd1b0d332
> ---------------------------
> ruby: split CPU and GPU latency stats
> Diffs
> -----
>   src/mem/ruby/profiler/Profiler.hh 4daf60db14d794e2344a6c86a93bdd8273bc5bb6 
>   src/mem/ruby/profiler/Profiler.cc 4daf60db14d794e2344a6c86a93bdd8273bc5bb6 
>   src/mem/ruby/slicc_interface/AbstractController.hh 
> 4daf60db14d794e2344a6c86a93bdd8273bc5bb6 
>   src/mem/ruby/slicc_interface/AbstractController.cc 
> 4daf60db14d794e2344a6c86a93bdd8273bc5bb6 
>   src/mem/slicc/symbols/StateMachine.py 
> 4daf60db14d794e2344a6c86a93bdd8273bc5bb6 
> Diff: http://reviews.gem5.org/r/3192/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> Thanks,
> Tony Gutierrez

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