Hello Matthias Jung, Jason Lowe-Power,

I'd like you to reexamine a change. Please visit


to look at the new patch set (#5).

Change subject: misc: Reorder sources in util/tlm and rewrite build scripts

misc: Reorder sources in util/tlm and rewrite build scripts

* Use one SConstruct to build everything instead of one SConstruct for
  each example.
* Introduce SConscripts for sub-directories.
* Build in 'build' instead of the source tree.
* Build and link to SystemC from the ext/systemc directory. This
  ensures that SystemC does not need to be installed on the host and
  avoids possible issues caused by an incompatible SystemC build.
* Update the README and add some minor fixes

Change-Id: I641ed94f542626864fb7af499ad1be8fd4ad929f
M util/tlm/README
A util/tlm/SConstruct
R util/tlm/conf/tgen.cfg
R util/tlm/conf/tlm_elastic_slave.py
R util/tlm/conf/tlm_master.py
R util/tlm/conf/tlm_slave.py
C util/tlm/examples/common/SConscript
C util/tlm/examples/master_port/SConscript
D util/tlm/examples/master_port/SConstruct
C util/tlm/examples/slave_port/SConscript
D util/tlm/examples/slave_port/SConstruct
R util/tlm/run_gem5_fs.sh
C util/tlm/src/SConscript
R util/tlm/src/master_transactor.cc
R util/tlm/src/master_transactor.hh
R util/tlm/src/sc_ext.cc
R util/tlm/src/sc_ext.hh
R util/tlm/src/sc_master_port.cc
R util/tlm/src/sc_master_port.hh
R util/tlm/src/sc_mm.cc
R util/tlm/src/sc_mm.hh
R util/tlm/src/sc_peq.hh
R util/tlm/src/sc_slave_port.cc
R util/tlm/src/sc_slave_port.hh
R util/tlm/src/sim_control.cc
R util/tlm/src/sim_control.hh
R util/tlm/src/sim_control_if.hh
R util/tlm/src/slave_transactor.cc
R util/tlm/src/slave_transactor.hh
29 files changed, 233 insertions(+), 328 deletions(-)

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Gerrit-Project: public/gem5
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-MessageType: newpatchset
Gerrit-Change-Id: I641ed94f542626864fb7af499ad1be8fd4ad929f
Gerrit-Change-Number: 3480
Gerrit-PatchSet: 5
Gerrit-Owner: Christian Menard <christian.men...@tu-dresden.de>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Christian Menard <christian.men...@tu-dresden.de>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Jason Lowe-Power <ja...@lowepower.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Matthias Jung <jun...@eit.uni-kl.de>
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