Hi folks. I'd like to propose adding a new type of message to the
packet.proto format used for protobuf memory traces.

Currently, packet IDs are opaque numbers which in some hand wavy way
"identify" a packet, presumably to say where that packet came from
(instruction, bus master, etc.) Currently there is no in-channel way to map
those numbers to something more useful like an object name. What are
people's thoughs as far as adding a new message type which would provide
that information? Off the top of my head, it would make sense to have a
single message per ID, and to have a single "string" type field which would
be used to describe the meaning of the ID in whatever way was appropriate.

I haven't thought through the specifics very much, so suggestions would be
very appreciated. Currently I've got a hacky side-channel way to preserve
that information, but it would be less fragile and inconvenient if that was
preserved directly in the trace itself.

Also, would this warrant a new file format version number, or would the
fact that the additional messages can be ignored with no ill effect let us
keep it at the same number?

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