Hi folks. I'm integrating the systemc tests into the testing framework, and
I wonder what level of parallelism there is in the framework itself, what
level of parallelism the tests themselves should utilize, and how that's
plumbed down.

For instance, I have a verify.py script I wrote to run and verify the
systemc tests. It has a lot of nice features that would be difficult to
plumb through the framework so I want to keep it as its own independent
entity. It has the ability to run scons to build the tests and the tests
themselves in parallel which is very useful. I could make it automatically
detect how much parallelism it might want to use, but that would likely be
somewhat hard to do in a system dependent way, ie to make it work on macs
without having one to test on, and we don't necessarily want it to run as
wide as possible regardless of what else might be going on in the system,
test wise or otherwise.

Is there a way to tell the test framework to do things in parallel? Is
there a way to allocate some amount of parallelism at the scheduler level
(if a level like that exists) for a particular test, and how is that
communicated to the test?

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