Hi folks. Recently I was trying to track down what gem5 was doing when it
seemed to get lost booting Android, and it occurred to me that debugging
with gdb wouldn't help very much since presumably most of the time gem5
would be running in userspace which it wouldn't have symbols for. On top of
that, while I might be able to see what was happening at right that
instance (when I randomly stopped execution), I wouldn't be able to easily
see what other processes were running and what they were doing, what the
kernel was up to, etc.

While writing a tool that would let you see all that sort of information is
definitely technically possible and would be extremely useful, it would
likely also be a lot of work. Does anybody know of anything out there
already which does something like this? Or that's close and could be used
as a starting point? GDB's options are limited since it wants to run as a
server you pipe commands to and get text responses from, and (although it
might be out of date) what I was reading made it sound like it didn't
handle multiple simultaneous contexts of execution completely. The LLVM
debugger lldb (I think?) looked like it would give better access to the
nuts and bolts. Reading about it on its site made it sound like it was
still in early stages though, where only a few arch/OS combinations that
are supported. Maybe the parts they're relying on support everything we'd
want, but just lldb which drives them is still incomplete?

In any case, at this point this is just an intriguing idea I'm kicking
around and looking at the feasibility of. Any helpful tips are welcome.

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