Hi folks. Right now we have a mishmash of ways to store the params
structure passed to a SimObject class, if that class actually does store
the params in the first place.

The base SimObject class itself stores a const pointer to the very base
SimObjectParams type. It defines a params() method which returns it as a
const pointer.

Some other classes (I only see the base System class atm, although there
may be others) declare their own pointer locally. In the case of System,
this pointer is not const, but the function that returns it makes it const
(and casts it to const before returning it for some reason?).

Other classes still declare a shadow _params member which is a const &, and
return that from their params() method.

Then beyond that, some types have constructors which expect a pointer to
the params struct, and others expect a reference.

This can result in a lot of confusion and annoying compile errors where you
have to go in and add &s and *s in random places to get to the type you
want. We should pick something and standardize on it.

1. Const vs. non-const. My vote is const. The params structs are set up in
python, and the are often not looked at again once SimObjects are
instantiated, although they may be. Allowing them to be fiddled with
introduces the possibility of their value being stale and not reflected in
the actual behavior of the simulation. These structures should be a one way
uninterrupted conduit for config values from python to C++, passed through
exactly once.

If the params are treated as const (and once that's consistently applied),
then the create() method can be marked const which will enforce that going

2. Pointer vs. reference. Pointers were the historic implementation, and
mixing in references inconsistently was a bad idea IMHO, but since the
params structure should always be there and should always be one particular
thing, I think references are the superior option. I think that means we
should go through and convert all the existing SimObjects to accept
references in their constructors, SimObject to store a const reference, and
params() to return a const reference.

3. One off params() definition vs. centralized definition.

As of today, many (but not all) SimObject classes define a params() method
which casts the _param member to the param type used by that class to
return. That means all those classes have individual typedefs which set up
a Params type for that class, and a params() function which is often (but
not always) just a copy of the n other params() functions floating around.

It would be nice to centralize this somehow. I don't have a great drop in
replacement for this since that just doesn't seem to be compatible with the
way C++ works as of today, but I think it could be simplified a bit with a
couple definitions the SimObject python<->C++ bridge could generate. These
are rough ideas, so suggestions for improvements are welcome.

template <typename SimObjectType>
struct ParamsForSimObjectType;

template <typename SimObjectType>
using Params = ParamsForSimObjectType<SimObjectType>::Type;

(generated by scons)
template <>
struct ParamsForSimObjectType<YourFavoriteSimObject>
    using Type = const YourFavoriteSimObjectParams &;

Then if you need a Params type for a SimObject type, you can use
Params<System> for instance.

template <typename SimObjectType>
params(SimObjectType *so)
    try {
        return dynamic_cast<Params<SimObjectType>>(so->base_params());
    } catch (std::bad_cast &exc) {
        panic("Failed to cast to derived param type.");

There are two related downsides to this version of params. First, this
shouldn't live out in the global namespace since it's so generic. We'd want
to put it in some sort of namespace, or make it a static member of
something like the SimObject class. If it's part of a class, it might be
confusing to people who are used to params() being a method and not a
static function since it would now need a pointer to the simobject.

This would mean that, for instance, a constructor of a class Foo could just
use params(this) to get a properly cast FooParams without having to have a
bunch of boilerplate and plumbing for every class.

If it's used a lot, you could set up a temporary like this to make things
auto p = params(this);

It's possible that the template-ey-ness of this could get annoying with
base classes of SimObjects which aren't set up in python, potentially
requiring casting down to the class pybind set up to get the right answer.
I think in that case you could define params() through pybind as well, and
rely on function overload resolution and not templating to get the right

I'll likely put this together into a design doc at least to have a record,
but since it isn't totally baked and is relatively simple I thought I'd
throw it out there as an email first.

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