Hi everyone!

I'm excited to announce that we've published a new gem5 paper! Right now,
it's available on arXiv at this URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.03152

I tried to reach out to everyone who has been involved in gem5 development
since its inception in 2011. However, I'm certain to have missed people.
Plus, I got 100s of emails about this, and I'm sure one fell through the
cracks. If I missed anyone, I'm so sorry!

We will be "releasing" another version of the paper on arXiv in a few
weeks. So, if you spot any errors or if you wish to be included as an
author of the paper and contributed to gem5 between 2011 and gem5 version
20.0, please open an issue on this github repo:
https://github.com/darchr/gem5-20-paper. See the README
<https://github.com/darchr/gem5-20-paper/blob/master/README.md> for
authorship information.

If you use gem5-20.0+, we would appreciate it if you would cite this paper.

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