Hi folks. Right now, when you want to run a particular binary in SE mode,
you assign it to the "workload" parameter of a CPU. When gem5 goes to load
it, it passes it around to different loaders and sees which one knows how
to load it. Then it passes it around a second time to see which process
type it should be, ie 64 bit x86, 32 bit ARM, etc.

binary -> {binary format loader} -> ObjectFile -> {arch and op sys process
loader} -> Process

I'm working on introducing a Workload type which encapsulates SE mode, and
which will have a type for each type of operating system being emulated. So
for instance, if you want your system to pretend to run x86 linux, you
would construct a object of type EmuX86Linux and set the system's workload
parameter to it. Then you would tell that object what you wanted to load
and how you wanted it to run (CPU assignments, etc.)

The minor mismatch here is that many scripts, for instance
configs/example/se.py, don't care what type of binary you've given it, what
operating system it's for, or what the architecture is. They just pass it
through, and let gem5 figure out what it can/should do with it.

To address this, I'm planning to expose the ObjectFile class to python, and
to add two methods to the SEWorkload SimObject type, find_compatible and

Both methods will take a path to a binary. find_compatible will then return
a list of all SEWorkload subclasses which claim to be able to run that
binary. This will usually, but not necessarily, be one or zero classes. The
init_compatible method calls find_compatible expecting exactly one result,
and then instantiates an instance of that type using the rest of its

So, if you want to run binary foo.bin, you would set your system's workload
parameter like this:

System(workload = SEWorkload.init_compatible("foo.bin", val1, param2=val2,

If you know which fake operating system you want and want to take advantage
of non-generic features it might have, then you can just instantiate it
directly like normal.

System(workload = EmuArmFreeBSD(val1, freebsd_param2=val2, etc...))

An SEWorkload can claim compatibility with a binary by implementing an
_is_compatible_with class method which accepts an object file as a
parameter. For x86 linux that might look like this:

def _is_compatible_with(cls, obj):
    return obj.get_arch() in ('x86_64', 'i386') and obj.get_op_sys() ==
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