Thanks for the effort, Gabe!

I totally agree that making the interface support range-based for loops
makes sense.  That would be a nice improvement.

Having TLBs (or page tables?) support some kind of variable-size chunk loop
range object that deals with multiple page sizes, maybe automatically
merges contiguous mappings, etc. also seems pretty reasonable.

I'm less sure about the need to have those two classes be related to each
other.  They would have similar (maybe even the same) interface(s), and
conceptually similar purposes, but that's about it; would there be a use
case where you'd have (say) a function that takes one of these "iterators"
as an argument, and would need to use the base class to accept either
type?  On the other hand, if they were separate, you could specialize the
interface; for example, I can see integrating the translation with the
chunking for the TLB version and having both vaddr() and paddr() members,
making your example above being something like:

for (const auto &chunk: tlb->translateRegionByChunks(vregion_start,
vregion_end) {
    read(buffer, chunk.paddr(), chunk.size());

while the simple version (for iterating over things like cache blocks)
would just have addr() as currently.



On Mon, Sep 7, 2020 at 1:20 AM Gabe Black <> wrote:

> Hi folks. In gem5, there is a simple but useful utility class called the
> ChunkGenerator which takes a region of memory and a size, and breaks the
> region into chunks which are broken on that size aligned boundaries.
> So for instance, if you wanted to translate every page that some big array
> was located in in memory, you would use a ChunkGenerator with the page size
> as the chunk size.
> The problem here is that this class assumes that there is "the" page size,
> or "the" block size to put into it, known ahead of time by the consumer.
> This may not be true for page sizes for example, since a region may fall
> across pages with different sizes. Or it may be a waste of effort if, for
> instance, a region was contiguously mapped. There may also be reasons to
> chunk up a region which are also not based on pages or other fixed size
> boundaries.
> I think it would be a fairly simple extension to make the ChunkGenerator
> where it would be created by some other entity which knows how big any
> given chunk can be. For instance, there might be a call like this:
> chunk_generator = tlb->chunkRegion(region_start, region_end);
> Then you could walk through the chunks basically as you do now, but the
> TLB would be involved and would know what boundaries to stop you at. I
> think the biggest change that would require would be to make the "next()"
> function virtual. It might be a good idea to break the class up into a base
> class with generic bits, and then make the current, fixed chunk size
> version inherit from it. Fancy variable sized versions could inherit from
> the base without breaking existing usage.
> Also, the chunk generator has a very iterator like design currently. I
> think it would be fairly straightforward to go all the way and give it real
> iterators so that it can be used in a range based for loop, something like
> this:
> for (const auto &chunk: tlb->chunkRegion(region_start, region_end) {
>     Addr paddr = translate(chunk.addr());
>     read(buffer, paddr, chunk.size());
> }
> I think with these two changes, this class could be both more correct, and
> a little easier to use. What do you think?
> Gabe
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