Huang Jiasen has uploaded this change for review. ( )

Change subject: ISA: Extended Instructions adopted in RISCV arch XUANTIE C910 CPU

ISA: Extended Instructions adopted in RISCV arch XUANTIE C910 CPU

Change-Id: I3fdf1dfbd0c0a88d4cc03b3663660265b9f78d76
M src/arch/riscv/isa/decoder.isa
1 file changed, 186 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/arch/riscv/isa/decoder.isa b/src/arch/riscv/isa/decoder.isa
index 5ef68fe..009dd70 100644
--- a/src/arch/riscv/isa/decoder.isa
+++ b/src/arch/riscv/isa/decoder.isa
@@ -418,10 +418,193 @@

+        0x02: decode FUNCT3 { // FUNCT3: <14:12>
+            format ROp {
+                0x2: ext({{
+                    uint32_t msb = FUNCT6; // <31:26>
+                    uint32_t lsb = SHAMT6; // <25:20>
+                    uint64_t mask = 0xffffffffffffffff;
+                    Rs1 = (Rs1 << (63 - msb));
+                    Rs1 = (Rs1 >> (63 - msb));
+                    Rs1 = Rs1 >> lsb;
+                    if ((msb - lsb + 1) > 63) { mask = 0; }
+                    else {
+                        mask = mask >> (msb - lsb + 1);
+                        mask = mask << (msb - lsb + 1);
+                    }
+                    if (Rs1 >> (msb - lsb)) { Rs1 = Rs1 | mask; }
+                    Rd = Rs1;
+                }});
+                0x3: extu({{
+                    uint32_t msb = FUNCT6; // <31:26>
+                    uint32_t lsb = SHAMT6; // <25:20>
+                    Rs1 = (Rs1 << (63 - msb));
+                    Rs1 = (Rs1 >> (63 - msb));
+                    Rs1 = (Rs1 >> lsb);
+                    Rd = Rs1;
+                }});
+                0x1: decode FUNCT5 { // FUNCT5: <31:27>
+                    0x0: addsl({{
+                        Rd = Rs1 + (Rs2 << FUNCT2);
+                    }});
+                    0x2: decode FUNCT2_HI {
+                        0x0: srri({{
+                            Rd = Rs1 >> SHAMT6;
+                            Rd = Rd | (Rs1 << (64 - SHAMT6));
+                        }});
+                        0x1: decode FUNCT2_LO {
+                            0x0: srriw({{
+                                uint32_t op1_tmp = Rs1_sd & 0xffffffff;
+                                uint32_t imm_use = RS2 & 0x1f;
+                                uint32_t result = (op1_tmp >> imm_use);
+ result = result | (op1_tmp << (32 - imm_use)); + // Rd = (result & 0x80000000) ? (0xffffffff00000000 | result) : (result & 0x00000000ffffffff); // Exactly the same as (int32_t)(result)
+                                Rd = (int32_t)(result);
+                            }});
+                        }
+                    }
+                    0x4: decode FUNCT2 {
+                        0x0: mula({{
+                            if (Rs2_sd == 0) {
+                                Rd = Rs1_sd;
+                                printf("mveqz::execute\n");
+                            } else {
+ uint64_t tmp = (Rs1_sd * Rs2_sd) & 0xffffffffffffffff;
+                                uint64_t tmp_Rd = Rd;
+ printf("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mula::execute (rs1 * rs2)[63:0]_hi_32 = %x (rs1 * rs2)[63:0]_lo_32 = %x tmp_Rd_hi_32 = %x tmp_Rd_lo_32 = %x\n", (int32_t)((tmp >> 32) & 0xffffffff), (int32_t)(tmp & 0xffffffff), (int32_t)((tmp_Rd >> 32) & 0xffffffff), (int32_t)(tmp_Rd & 0xffffffff));
+                                Rd = Rd + tmp;
+ printf("Rd_hi_32 = %x Rd_lo_32 = %x\n", (int32_t)((Rd >> 32) & 0xffffffff), (int32_t)(Rd & 0xffffffff));
+                            }
+                        }}, IntMultOp);
+                        0x1: muls({{
+ uint64_t tmp = (Rs1_sd * Rs2_sd) & 0xffffffffffffffff;
+                            uint64_t tmp_Rd = Rd;
+ printf("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~muls::execute (rs1 * rs2)[63:0]_hi_32 = %x (rs1 * rs2)[63:0]_lo_32 = %x tmp_Rd_hi_32 = %x tmp_Rd_lo_32 = %x\n", (int32_t)((tmp >> 32) & 0xffffffff), (int32_t)(tmp & 0xffffffff), (int32_t)((tmp_Rd >> 32) & 0xffffffff), (int32_t)(tmp_Rd & 0xffffffff));
+                            Rd = Rd - tmp;
+ printf("Rd_hi_32 = %x Rd_lo_32 = %x\n", (int32_t)((Rd >> 32) & 0xffffffff), (int32_t)(Rd & 0xffffffff));
+                        }}, IntMultOp);
+                        0x2: mulaw({{
+// int64_t tmp = (Rd_sd & 0xffffffff) + (int32_t)((int32_t)(Rs1_sd & 0xffffffff) * (int32_t)(Rs2_sd & 0xffffffff)); + int64_t tmp = (Rd_sd & 0xffffffff) + (int32_t)((Rs1_sd & 0xffffffff) * (Rs2_sd & 0xffffffff));
+                            int32_t tmp_lo_32 = tmp & 0xffffffff;
+                            Rd_sd = (int32_t)(tmp_lo_32);
+ printf("Mulaw::execute rs1[31:0] = %x rs2[31:0] = %x rs1[31:0] * rs2[31:0] = %x tmp_lo_32 = %x\n", (int32_t)(Rs1_sd & 0xffffffff), (int32_t)(Rs2_sd & 0xffffffff), (int32_t)((int16_t)(Rs1_sd & 0xffff) * (int16_t)(Rs2_sd & 0xffff)), tmp_lo_32);
+                        }}, IntMultOp);
+                        0x3: mulsw({{
+ int64_t tmp = (Rd_sd & 0xffffffff) - (int32_t)((Rs1_sd & 0xffffffff) * (Rs2_sd & 0xffffffff));
+                            int32_t tmp_lo_32 = tmp & 0xffffffff;
+                            Rd_sd = (int32_t)(tmp_lo_32);
+ printf("Mulsw::execute rs1[31:0] = %x rs2[31:0] = %x rs1[31:0] * rs2[31:0] = %x tmp_lo_32 = %x\n", (int32_t)(Rs1_sd & 0xffffffff), (int32_t)(Rs2_sd & 0xffffffff), (int32_t)((int16_t)(Rs1_sd & 0xffff) * (int16_t)(Rs2_sd & 0xffff)), tmp_lo_32);
+                        }}, IntMultOp);
+                    }
+                    0x5: decode FUNCT2 {
+                        0x0: mulah({{
+ int64_t tmp = (Rd_sd & 0xffffffff) + (int32_t)((int16_t)(Rs1_sd & 0xffff) * (int16_t)(Rs2_sd & 0xffff));
+                            int32_t tmp_lo_32 = tmp & 0xffffffff;
+                            Rd_sd = (int32_t)(tmp_lo_32);
+ printf("Mulah::execute rs1[15:0] * rs2[15:0] = %x tmp_lo_32 = %x\n", (int32_t)((int16_t)(Rs1_sd & 0xffff) * (int16_t)(Rs2_sd & 0xffff)), tmp_lo_32);
+                        }}, IntMultOp);
+                        0x1: mulsh({{
+ int64_t tmp = (Rd_sd & 0xffffffff) - (int32_t)((int16_t)(Rs1_sd & 0xffff) * (int16_t)(Rs2_sd & 0xffff));
+                            int32_t tmp_lo_32 = tmp & 0xffffffff;
+                            Rd_sd = (int32_t)(tmp_lo_32);
+ printf("Mulsh::execute rs1[15:0] * rs2[15:0] = %x tmp_lo_32 = %x\n", (int32_t)((int16_t)(Rs1_sd & 0xffff) * (int16_t)(Rs2_sd & 0xffff)), tmp_lo_32);
+                        }}, IntMultOp);
+                    }
+                    0x8: decode FUNCT2 {
+                        0x1: mvnez({{
+                            if (Rs2_sd) {
+                                Rd_sd = Rs1_sd;
+                                printf("mvnez::execute\n");
+                            }
+                        }}, IntMultOp);
+                    }
+                    0x11: decode FUNCT2_HI { // FUNCT2_HI: <26>
+                        0x0: tst({{
+ bool result = (Rs1 >> SHAMT6) & 0x1; // SHAMT6: <25:20>
+                            Rd = result;
+                        }});
+                    }
+                    0x10: decode RS2 { // RS2: <24:20>
+                        0x0: decode FUNCT2 { // FUNCT2: <26:25>
+                            0x0: tstnbz({{
+                                Rd = 0;
+                                if(!(Rs1 & 0xff00000000000000)) {
+// printf("Rs1 & 0xff00000000000000 == 0\n");
+                                    Rd = Rd | 0xff00000000000000;
+                                }
+ if(!(Rs1 & 0x00ff000000000000)) {Rd = Rd | 0x00ff000000000000;} + if(!(Rs1 & 0x0000ff0000000000)) {Rd = Rd | 0x0000ff0000000000;} + if(!(Rs1 & 0x000000ff00000000)) {Rd = Rd | 0x000000ff00000000;} + if(!(Rs1 & 0x00000000ff000000)) {Rd = Rd | 0x00000000ff000000;} + if(!(Rs1 & 0x0000000000ff0000)) {Rd = Rd | 0x0000000000ff0000;} + if(!(Rs1 & 0x000000000000ff00)) {Rd = Rd | 0x000000000000ff00;} + if(!(Rs1 & 0x00000000000000ff)) {Rd = Rd | 0x00000000000000ff;}
+                            }});
+                            0x1: rev({{
+                                uint64_t op1 = Rs1;
+                                uint64_t oper7_0 = op1 & 0xff;
+                                uint64_t oper15_8 = (op1 >> 8) & 0xff;
+                                uint64_t oper23_16 = (op1 >> 16) & 0xff;
+                                uint64_t oper31_24 = (op1 >> 24) & 0xff;
+                                uint64_t oper39_32 = (op1 >> 32) & 0xff;
+                                uint64_t oper47_40 = (op1 >> 40) & 0xff;
+                                uint64_t oper55_48 = (op1 >> 48) & 0xff;
+                                uint64_t oper63_56 = (op1 >> 56) & 0xff;
+ printf("rev::execute <63:56>_hi = %x <63:56>_lo = %x\n", (int32_t)((oper63_56 & 0xffffffff00000000) >> 32), (int32_t)(oper63_56 & 0xffffffff)); + printf("rev::execute <7:0>_hi = %x <7:0>_lo = %x\n", (int32_t)((oper7_0 & 0xffffffff00000000) >> 32), (int32_t)(oper7_0 & 0xffffffff)); + Rd = (oper7_0 << 56) | (oper15_8 << 48) | (oper23_16 << 40) | (oper31_24 << 32) | (oper39_32 << 24) | (oper47_40 << 16) | (oper55_48 << 8) | (oper63_56 << 0);
+                            }});
+                            0x2: ff0({{
+                                uint32_t ff0 = 0;
+                                uint64_t op1 = Rs1_ud;
+                                int i;
+                                for(i = 0; i < 64; ++i) {
+                                    if(!(op1 >> (63 - i) & 0x1)){
+                                        break;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                ff0 = (i >= 64) ? 64 : i;
+                                Rd_uw = ff0;
+                            }});
+                            0x3: ff1({{
+                                uint32_t ff1 = 0;
+                                uint64_t op1 = Rs1_ud;
+                                int i;
+                                for(i = 0; i < 64; ++i) {
+                                    if((op1 >> (63 - i) & 0x1)){
+                                        break;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                ff1 = (i >= 64) ? 64 : i;
+                                Rd_uw = ff1;
+                            }});
+                        }
+                    }
+                    0x12: decode RS2 {
+                        0x0: decode FUNCT2 {
+                            0x0: revw({{
+                                uint64_t op1 = Rs1;
+                                uint64_t oper7_0 = op1 & 0xff;
+                                uint64_t oper15_8 = (op1 >> 8) & 0xff;
+                                uint64_t oper23_16 = (op1 >> 16) & 0xff;
+                                uint64_t oper31_24 = (op1 >> 24) & 0xff;
+ uint64_t result = (oper7_0 << 24) | (oper15_8 << 16) | (oper23_16 << 8) | oper31_24; + result = (result & 0x80000000) ? (0xffffffff00000000 | result) : (result & 0xffffffff);
+                                Rd = result;
+                            }});
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
         0x03: decode FUNCT3 {
             format FenceOp {
                 0x0: fence({{
-                }}, uint64_t, IsReadBarrier, IsWriteBarrier, No_OpClass);
+                }}, uint64_t, IsMemBarrier, No_OpClass);
                 0x1: fence_i({{
}}, uint64_t, IsNonSpeculative, IsSerializeAfter, No_OpClass);
@@ -1848,7 +2031,8 @@
"sfence in user mode or TVM enabled",
-                        xc->tcBase()->getMMUPtr()->demapPage(Rs1, Rs2);
+                        xc->tcBase()->getITBPtr()->demapPage(Rs1, Rs2);
+                        xc->tcBase()->getDTBPtr()->demapPage(Rs1, Rs2);
                     }}, IsNonSpeculative, IsSerializeAfter, No_OpClass);
                     0x18: mret({{
                         if (xc->readMiscReg(MISCREG_PRV) != PRV_M) {

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Gerrit-Project: public/gem5
Gerrit-Branch: develop
Gerrit-Change-Id: I3fdf1dfbd0c0a88d4cc03b3663660265b9f78d76
Gerrit-Change-Number: 38576
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Owner: Huang Jiasen <>
Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
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