See <>


[Andreas.Sandberg] dev: Consistently use ISO prefixes

[Andreas.Sandberg] python: Remove Python 2.7 compatibility code

[Andreas.Sandberg] scons: Remove Python 2.7 compatibility code

[jyhuang91] sim-se: Handle simultaneous page faults in SE-mode multithreading

[Andreas.Sandberg] mem: Consistently use ISO prefixes

[endlessroad] arch-x86: implement PSHUFB SSE instruction.

[] tests: Fix building of unittest/

[] base: Style fixes in cprintf related files.

[] base: Stop "using namespace std".

[] sim: Stop "using namespace std"

[] dev: Stop "using namespace std"

[] mem: Stop "using namespace std"

[Giacomo Travaglini] arch-arm: Fix Compare and Swap Pair instructions

[] arch-x86: Stop "using namespace std"

[] arch-riscv: Stop "using namespace std"

[] arch-mips: Stop "using namespace std"

[] arch-sparc: Stop "using namespace std"

[] arch-arm: Stop "using namespace std"

[] cpu: Stop "using namespace std"

[] misc: Stop "using namespace std" in

[] tests: Stop "using namespace std" in unittest/.

[Andreas.Sandberg] arch-arm, dev-arm: Consistently use ISO prefixes

[Andreas.Sandberg] python: Consistently use ISO prefixes

[Andreas.Sandberg] sim: Consistently use ISO prefixes

[Andreas.Sandberg] tests: Add Python unit tests for m5.util.convert

[...truncated 679.88 KB...]
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 14 tests from SatCounterTest
[ RUN      ] SatCounterTest.MaximumValue
[       OK ] SatCounterTest.MaximumValue (4 ms)
[ RUN      ] SatCounterTest.MinimumValue
[       OK ] SatCounterTest.MinimumValue (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] SatCounterTest.InitialValue
[       OK ] SatCounterTest.InitialValue (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] SatCounterTest.SaturationPercentile
[       OK ] SatCounterTest.SaturationPercentile (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] SatCounterTest.Saturate
[       OK ] SatCounterTest.Saturate (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] SatCounterTest.IntComparison
[       OK ] SatCounterTest.IntComparison (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] SatCounterTest.Shift
[       OK ] SatCounterTest.Shift (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] SatCounterTest.PrePostOperators
[       OK ] SatCounterTest.PrePostOperators (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] SatCounterTest.CopyMove
[       OK ] SatCounterTest.CopyMove (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] SatCounterTest.AddSubAssignment
[       OK ] SatCounterTest.AddSubAssignment (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] SatCounterTest.NegativeAddSubAssignment
[       OK ] SatCounterTest.NegativeAddSubAssignment (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] SatCounterTest.Size16
[       OK ] SatCounterTest.Size16 (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] SatCounterTest.Size32
[       OK ] SatCounterTest.Size32 (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] SatCounterTest.Size64
[       OK ] SatCounterTest.Size64 (0 ms)
[----------] 14 tests from SatCounterTest (5 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 14 tests from 1 test suite ran. (25 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 14 tests.
 [    LINK]  -> NULL/sim/
Running main() from build/googletest/googletest/src/
[==========] Running 7 tests from 1 test suite.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 7 tests from GuestABI
[ RUN      ] GuestABI.ABI_1D_args
[       OK ] GuestABI.ABI_1D_args (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] GuestABI.ABI_Prepare
[       OK ] GuestABI.ABI_Prepare (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] GuestABI.ABI_2D_args
[       OK ] GuestABI.ABI_2D_args (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] GuestABI.ABI_TC_init
[       OK ] GuestABI.ABI_TC_init (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] GuestABI.ABI_returns
[       OK ] GuestABI.ABI_returns (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] GuestABI.dumpSimcall
[       OK ] GuestABI.dumpSimcall (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] GuestABI.isVarArgs
[       OK ] GuestABI.isVarArgs (0 ms)
[----------] 7 tests from GuestABI (3 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 7 tests from 1 test suite ran. (26 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 7 tests.
 [     CXX] NULL/sim/ -> .po
 [    LINK]  -> NULL/base/
Running main() from build/googletest/googletest/src/
[==========] Running 7 tests from 1 test suite.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 7 tests from TrieTestData
[ RUN      ] TrieTestData.Empty
[       OK ] TrieTestData.Empty (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] TrieTestData.SingleEntry
[       OK ] TrieTestData.SingleEntry (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] TrieTestData.TwoOverlappingEntries
[       OK ] TrieTestData.TwoOverlappingEntries (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] TrieTestData.TwoOverlappingEntriesReversed
[       OK ] TrieTestData.TwoOverlappingEntriesReversed (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] TrieTestData.TwoIndependentEntries
[       OK ] TrieTestData.TwoIndependentEntries (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] TrieTestData.TwoEntries
[       OK ] TrieTestData.TwoEntries (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] TrieTestData.RemovingEntries
[       OK ] TrieTestData.RemovingEntries (0 ms)
[----------] 7 tests from TrieTestData (4 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 7 tests from 1 test suite ran. (6 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 7 tests.
 [    LINK]  -> NULL/base/
Running main() from build/googletest/googletest/src/
[==========] Running 42 tests from 1 test suite.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 42 tests from StrTest
[ RUN      ] StrTest.EatLeadWhite
[       OK ] StrTest.EatLeadWhite (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.EatLeadWhiteNoLeadingWhitespace
[       OK ] StrTest.EatLeadWhiteNoLeadingWhitespace (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.EatEndWhite
[       OK ] StrTest.EatEndWhite (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.EatEndWhiteNoTrailingWhitespace
[       OK ] StrTest.EatEndWhiteNoTrailingWhitespace (1 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.EatWhite
[       OK ] StrTest.EatWhite (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.EatWhiteNoWhitespace
[       OK ] StrTest.EatWhiteNoWhitespace (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.ToLower
[       OK ] StrTest.ToLower (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.SplitFirst
[       OK ] StrTest.SplitFirst (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.SplitFirstNoChar
[       OK ] StrTest.SplitFirstNoChar (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.SplitFirstOnFirstChar
[       OK ] StrTest.SplitFirstOnFirstChar (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.SplitLast
[       OK ] StrTest.SplitLast (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.SplitLastNoChar
[       OK ] StrTest.SplitLastNoChar (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.SplitLastOnLastChar
[       OK ] StrTest.SplitLastOnLastChar (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.TokenizeOnSpace
[       OK ] StrTest.TokenizeOnSpace (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.TokenizeOnSpaceIgnFalse
[       OK ] StrTest.TokenizeOnSpaceIgnFalse (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.TokenizedTokenDoesNotExist
[       OK ] StrTest.TokenizedTokenDoesNotExist (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.ToNumber8BitInt
[       OK ] StrTest.ToNumber8BitInt (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.ToNumber8BitIntStringOutOfRange
[       OK ] StrTest.ToNumber8BitIntStringOutOfRange (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.ToNumber8BitIntInvalidString
[       OK ] StrTest.ToNumber8BitIntInvalidString (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.ToNumberUnsigned8BitInt
[       OK ] StrTest.ToNumberUnsigned8BitInt (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.ToNumberUnsigned8BitIntNegative
[       OK ] StrTest.ToNumberUnsigned8BitIntNegative (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.ToNumber64BitInt
[       OK ] StrTest.ToNumber64BitInt (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.ToNumber64BitIntInvalidString
[       OK ] StrTest.ToNumber64BitIntInvalidString (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.ToNumberFloat
[       OK ] StrTest.ToNumberFloat (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.ToNumberFloatIntegerString
[       OK ] StrTest.ToNumberFloatIntegerString (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.ToNumberFloatNegative
[       OK ] StrTest.ToNumberFloatNegative (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.ToNumberDouble
[       OK ] StrTest.ToNumberDouble (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.ToNumberDoubleIntegerString
[       OK ] StrTest.ToNumberDoubleIntegerString (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.ToNumberDoubleNegative
[       OK ] StrTest.ToNumberDoubleNegative (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.ToBoolTrue
[       OK ] StrTest.ToBoolTrue (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.ToBoolFalse
[       OK ] StrTest.ToBoolFalse (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.ToBoolInvalidInput
[       OK ] StrTest.ToBoolInvalidInput (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.QuoteStringNoSpace
[       OK ] StrTest.QuoteStringNoSpace (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.QuoteStringWithSpace
[       OK ] StrTest.QuoteStringWithSpace (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.QuoteQuotedString
[       OK ] StrTest.QuoteQuotedString (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.QuoteStringWithTab
[       OK ] StrTest.QuoteStringWithTab (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.StartswithDoubleStringDoesStartWith
[       OK ] StrTest.StartswithDoubleStringDoesStartWith (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.StartswithDoubleStringDoesNotStartWith
[       OK ] StrTest.StartswithDoubleStringDoesNotStartWith (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.StartswithDoubleCharArrayDoesStartWith
[       OK ] StrTest.StartswithDoubleCharArrayDoesStartWith (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.StartswithDoubleCharArrayDoesNotStartWith
[       OK ] StrTest.StartswithDoubleCharArrayDoesNotStartWith (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.StartswithStringCharArrayDoesStartWith
[       OK ] StrTest.StartswithStringCharArrayDoesStartWith (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] StrTest.StartswithStringCharArrayDoesNotStartWith
[       OK ] StrTest.StartswithStringCharArrayDoesNotStartWith (0 ms)
[----------] 42 tests from StrTest (26 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 42 tests from 1 test suite ran. (28 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 42 tests.
 [    LINK]  -> NULL/sim/
Running main() from build/googletest/googletest/src/
[==========] Running 8 tests from 1 test suite.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 8 tests from ByteswapTest
[ RUN      ] ByteswapTest.swap_byte64
[       OK ] ByteswapTest.swap_byte64 (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ByteswapTest.swap_byte32
[       OK ] ByteswapTest.swap_byte32 (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ByteswapTest.swap_byte16
[       OK ] ByteswapTest.swap_byte16 (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ByteswapTest.swap_byte
[       OK ] ByteswapTest.swap_byte (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ByteswapTest.htog
[       OK ] ByteswapTest.htog (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ByteswapTest.gtoh
[       OK ] ByteswapTest.gtoh (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ByteswapTest.betole
[       OK ] ByteswapTest.betole (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ByteswapTest.letobe
[       OK ] ByteswapTest.letobe (0 ms)
[----------] 8 tests from ByteswapTest (4 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 8 tests from 1 test suite ran. (9 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 8 tests.
 [    LINK]  -> NULL/sim/
Running main() from build/googletest/googletest/src/
[==========] Running 6 tests from 1 test suite.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 6 tests from ProxyPtr
[ RUN      ] ProxyPtr.Clean
[       OK ] ProxyPtr.Clean (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ProxyPtr.Dirty
[       OK ] ProxyPtr.Dirty (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ProxyPtr.LoadAndFlush
[       OK ] ProxyPtr.LoadAndFlush (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ProxyPtr.ConstOperators
[       OK ] ProxyPtr.ConstOperators (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ProxyPtr.NonConstOperators
[       OK ] ProxyPtr.NonConstOperators (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ProxyPtr.GuestABI
[       OK ] ProxyPtr.GuestABI (0 ms)
[----------] 6 tests from ProxyPtr (0 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 6 tests from 1 test suite ran. (0 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 6 tests.
scons: done building targets.
*** Summary of Warnings ***
Warning: Your compiler doesn't support incremental linking and lto at the same
         time, so lto is being disabled. To force lto on anyway, use the
         --force-lto option. That will disable partial linking.
[Nightly] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ pwd
+ pwd
+ pwd
+ docker run -u : --volume 
 -w <> --rm ./ run --length long -j4 
Build timed out (after 1,380 minutes). Marking the build as failed.
Build was aborted
Archiving artifacts
Recording plot data
Recording test results
ERROR: Step ‘Publish JUnit test result report’ failed: Test reports were found 
but none of them are new. Did leafNodes run? 
For example, 
 is 15 hr old
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