See <>


[jiasen.hjs] configs: Added list types of replacement policy.

[] arch-arm: Don't use TheISA in the ARM implementation.

[Andreas.Sandberg] base, python: Add a Temperature type and associated param

[Andreas.Sandberg] sim: Use the Temperature param type

[Andreas.Sandberg] python: Require a unit in anyToFrequency and anyToLatency

[] riscv: Export the system call ABI for use in gem5 ops.

[...truncated 570.04 KB...]
[       OK ] ByteswapTest.swap_byte32 (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ByteswapTest.swap_byte16
[       OK ] ByteswapTest.swap_byte16 (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ByteswapTest.swap_byte
[       OK ] ByteswapTest.swap_byte (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ByteswapTest.htog
[       OK ] ByteswapTest.htog (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ByteswapTest.gtoh
[       OK ] ByteswapTest.gtoh (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ByteswapTest.betole
[       OK ] ByteswapTest.betole (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ByteswapTest.letobe
[       OK ] ByteswapTest.letobe (0 ms)
[----------] 8 tests from ByteswapTest (0 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 8 tests from 1 test suite ran. (0 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 8 tests.
[       OK ] UncontendedMutex.Lock (203 ms)
[ RUN      ] UncontendedMutex.HeavyContention
Running main() from build/googletest/googletest/src/
[==========] Running 7 tests from 1 test suite.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 7 tests from GuestABI
[ RUN      ] GuestABI.ABI_1D_args
[       OK ] GuestABI.ABI_1D_args (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] GuestABI.ABI_Prepare
[       OK ] GuestABI.ABI_Prepare (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] GuestABI.ABI_2D_args
[       OK ] GuestABI.ABI_2D_args (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] GuestABI.ABI_TC_init
[       OK ] GuestABI.ABI_TC_init (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] GuestABI.ABI_returns
[       OK ] GuestABI.ABI_returns (1 ms)
[ RUN      ] GuestABI.dumpSimcall
[       OK ] GuestABI.dumpSimcall (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] GuestABI.isVarArgs
[       OK ] GuestABI.isVarArgs (0 ms)
[----------] 7 tests from GuestABI (1 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 7 tests from 1 test suite ran. (1 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 7 tests.
[       OK ] UncontendedMutex.HeavyContention (266 ms)
[----------] 2 tests from UncontendedMutex (495 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 2 tests from 1 test suite ran. (496 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 2 tests.
Running main() from build/googletest/googletest/src/
[==========] Running 6 tests from 1 test suite.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 6 tests from ProxyPtr
[ RUN      ] ProxyPtr.Clean
[       OK ] ProxyPtr.Clean (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ProxyPtr.Dirty
[       OK ] ProxyPtr.Dirty (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ProxyPtr.LoadAndFlush
[       OK ] ProxyPtr.LoadAndFlush (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ProxyPtr.ConstOperators
[       OK ] ProxyPtr.ConstOperators (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ProxyPtr.NonConstOperators
[       OK ] ProxyPtr.NonConstOperators (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ProxyPtr.GuestABI
[       OK ] ProxyPtr.GuestABI (0 ms)
[----------] 6 tests from ProxyPtr (0 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 6 tests from 1 test suite ran. (0 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 6 tests.
 [    LINK]  -> NULL/base/
Running main() from build/googletest/googletest/src/
[==========] Running 6 tests from 1 test suite.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 6 tests from TemperatureTest
[ RUN      ] TemperatureTest.Constructor
[       OK ] TemperatureTest.Constructor (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] TemperatureTest.Conversion
[       OK ] TemperatureTest.Conversion (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] TemperatureTest.Comparison
[       OK ] TemperatureTest.Comparison (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] TemperatureTest.BinaryOperators
[       OK ] TemperatureTest.BinaryOperators (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] TemperatureTest.AssignmentOperators
[       OK ] TemperatureTest.AssignmentOperators (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] TemperatureTest.OutStream
[       OK ] TemperatureTest.OutStream (0 ms)
[----------] 6 tests from TemperatureTest (0 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 6 tests from 1 test suite ran. (0 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 6 tests.
scons: done building targets.
*** Summary of Warnings ***
Warning: Your compiler doesn't support incremental linking and lto at the same
         time, so lto is being disabled. To force lto on anyway, use the
         --force-lto option. That will disable partial linking.
[Nightly] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ pwd
+ pwd
+ pwd
+ docker run -u : --volume 
 -w <> --rm ./ run --length long -j4 
Running the new gem5 testing script.
For more information see
To see details as the testing scripts are running, use the option -v, -vv, or 
Loading Tests
Discovered 2856 tests and 2856 suites in 
Discovered 264 tests and 132 suites in 
Discovered 24 tests and 12 suites in 
Discovered 156 tests and 156 suites in 
Discovered 270 tests and 135 suites in 
Discovered 24 tests and 12 suites in 
Discovered 36 tests and 36 suites in 
Discovered 48 tests and 24 suites in 
Discovered 18 tests and 9 suites in 
Discovered 12 tests and 6 suites in 
Discovered 0 tests and 0 suites in 
Discovered 72 tests and 72 suites in 
Discovered 21 tests and 21 suites in 
Discovered 18 tests and 18 suites in 
Exception thrown while loading 
Ignoring all tests in this file.
Running Tests from 33 suites
Results will be stored in 
Building the following targets. This may take a while.
You may want to run with only a single ISA(--isa=), use --skip-build, or use 
Building the following targets. This may take a while.
You may want to run with only a single ISA(--isa=), use --skip-build, or use 
Building the following targets. This may take a while.
You may want to run with only a single ISA(--isa=), use --skip-build, or use 
Building the following targets. This may take a while.
You may want to run with only a single ISA(--isa=), use --skip-build, or use 
Building the following targets. This may take a while.
You may want to run with only a single ISA(--isa=), use --skip-build, or use 
Building the following targets. This may take a while.
You may want to run with only a single ISA(--isa=), use --skip-build, or use 
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5outp4iy0chl/simout
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5outjhgbrjdw/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5outjhgbrjdw/simerr
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5out55islipu/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5out55islipu/simerr
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5outp4iy0chl/simerr
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5outheb2jyfn/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5outheb2jyfn/simerr
Test: realview-switcheroo-atomic-ARM-x86_64-opt Passed
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5outwor1_hsq/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5outwor1_hsq/simerr
Test: realview-switcheroo-timing-ARM-x86_64-opt Passed
Test: realview-simple-atomic-ARM-x86_64-opt Passed
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5out7d266ghx/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5out7d266ghx/simerr
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5outa_k7rzgh/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5outa_k7rzgh/simerr
Test: realview-switcheroo-full-ARM-x86_64-opt Passed
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5outvlczurqv/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5outvlczurqv/simerr
Test: realview-simple-atomic-checkpoint-ARM-x86_64-opt Passed
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5outlt_yu114/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5outlt_yu114/simerr
Test: realview-minor-ARM-x86_64-opt Passed
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5outgm19f6rl/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5outgm19f6rl/simerr
Test: realview-switcheroo-noncaching-timing-ARM-x86_64-opt Passed
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5outnt9jjs_r/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5outnt9jjs_r/simerr
Test: realview64-o3-ARM-x86_64-opt Passed
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5oute0l5kcwn/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5oute0l5kcwn/simerr
Test: realview-simple-timing-ARM-x86_64-opt Passed
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5outjiqn7ah2/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5outjiqn7ah2/simerr
Test: realview-o3-ARM-x86_64-opt Passed
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5outm9plrlch/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5outm9plrlch/simerr
Test: realview64-minor-ARM-x86_64-opt Passed
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5outgcsollpq/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5outgcsollpq/simerr
Test: realview64-switcheroo-full-ARM-x86_64-opt Passed
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5outr1zl8p0t/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5outr1zl8p0t/simerr
Test: realview64-o3-dual-ARM-x86_64-opt Passed
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5outbwf74t4k/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5outbwf74t4k/simerr
Test: realview-switcheroo-o3-ARM-x86_64-opt Passed
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5outm9uebh_q/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5outm9uebh_q/simerr
Test: test-hello-DerivO3CPU-MIPS-x86_64-opt Passed
Test: test-hello-DerivO3CPU-MIPS-x86_64-opt-MatchStdoutNoPerf Passed
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5outfg5w_d65/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5outfg5w_d65/simerr
Test: test-hello-TimingSimpleCPU-SPARC-x86_64-opt Passed
Test: test-hello-TimingSimpleCPU-SPARC-x86_64-opt-MatchStdoutNoPerf Passed
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5outqt6g8z2g/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5outqt6g8z2g/simerr
Test: test-hello-AtomicSimpleCPU-SPARC-x86_64-opt Passed
Test: test-hello-AtomicSimpleCPU-SPARC-x86_64-opt-MatchStdoutNoPerf Passed
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5outl476d445/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5outl476d445/simerr
Test: test-insttest-linux-AtomicSimpleCPU-SPARC-x86_64-opt Passed
Test: test-insttest-linux-AtomicSimpleCPU-SPARC-x86_64-opt-MatchStdoutNoPerf 
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5out5405k6l4/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5out5405k6l4/simerr
Test: test-insttest-linux-TimingSimpleCPU-SPARC-x86_64-opt Passed
Test: test-insttest-linux-TimingSimpleCPU-SPARC-x86_64-opt-MatchStdoutNoPerf 
Test: build-X86-opt Passed
Test: build-SPARC-opt Passed
Test: build-MIPS-opt Passed
Test: build-POWER-opt Passed
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5outajq3egds/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5outajq3egds/simerr
Test: realview64-minor-dual-ARM-x86_64-opt Passed
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5outcj37a5cb/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5outcj37a5cb/simerr
Test: realview64-simple-timing-dual-ruby-ARM-x86_64-opt Passed
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5out3o8n66aw/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5out3o8n66aw/simerr
Test: test-hello-TimingSimpleCPU-MIPS-x86_64-opt Passed
Test: test-hello-TimingSimpleCPU-MIPS-x86_64-opt-MatchStdoutNoPerf Passed
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5outdyz6mrza/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5outdyz6mrza/simerr
Test: test-hello-AtomicSimpleCPU-MIPS-x86_64-opt Passed
Test: test-hello-AtomicSimpleCPU-MIPS-x86_64-opt-MatchStdoutNoPerf Passed
Test: test-ubuntu_boot-atomic_cpu-1_cpus-init_boot-GCN3_X86-x86_64-opt Passed
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5outcy2ksfv9/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5outcy2ksfv9/simerr
Test: realview64-switcheroo-o3-ARM-x86_64-opt Passed
Test: realview-simple-timing-ruby-ARM-x86_64-opt Passed
Redirecting stdout to /tmp/gem5out99bgpsiw/simout
Redirecting stderr to /tmp/gem5out99bgpsiw/simerr
Build timed out (after 1,380 minutes). Marking the build as failed.
Build was aborted
Archiving artifacts
Recording plot data
Recording test results
ERROR: Step ‘Publish JUnit test result report’ failed: Test reports were found 
but none of them are new. Did leafNodes run? 
For example, 
 is 5.6 sec old
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