If your getting an assertion failure in the chunk generator, it's
probably (partially) my fault... I added an assertion there (totalSize
>= 0) that would have caught a painful bug I had to track down much
earlier, and just ran the quick regressions on it.

I think that assertion is probably now exposing a pre-existing bug in
obreakFunc() where we use ChunkGenerator to allocate new pages without
verifying that the new break val is actually larger than the old one.


On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 2:18 PM, nathan binkert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just ran the long regressions (quick all pass) and some of them
> crash in the obreak syscall because of bogus arguments to the chunk
> generator code.  It is entirely possible that it's another bug caused
> by me, but I'm not certain.  I can't do any more hacking until later
> tonight, so unless someone has the time to try to figure out the
> problem, the tree is slightly broken.
> I apologize if this is my fault.  I know I passed all of the
> regressions with m5.fast before I did my big push the other day, but I
> didn't run the opt.
> If it's not solved by tonight, I'll try to get it figured out.
>  Nate
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