So, maybe I'm crazy, but a whole bunch of things got me convinced to
started converting SLICC to python.  Before I go way too far, I want
to see if any of the Wisc have any objections to this.

Here are what I see as the benefits:

1) Use python's powerful formatting function + triple quoted strings
to make the code generator something that humans can more easily
follow.  If people want, I can send examples.

2) Make it easier to hack on the generated code.  This is basically
because #1 makes life easier.  This is important for things like
moving to M5 style configuration.

3) Reduction of total code by 50-70%.  This is just a rough guess, but
it mostly comes from #1, being able to be more concise when working
with containers, and just plain being able to say more in each line.

4) It should be easier to improve SLICC in the future (Derek, I can
help port SLICCer).

5) Deal with the generated files problem in a simple way.  I tried to
hack on SLICC to get it to tell me what files it would generate from a
protocol specification.  That proved difficult (I worked on it for
several hours) because of these formatting issues and general
difficulty with extending SLICC.  The end result was that I ported the
SLICC grammar to python (using PLY it took an hour) and wrote a quick
script that did this job for me.  By converting everything to python,
there'd be just one grammar to worry about.

6) I can get rid of those intermediate #includes that SCons generates

7) PLY (Python Lex-Yacc) rocks and is generally easier and a whole lot
more fun to work with than lex/yacc

8) I can learn a lot about SLICC in the process.

1) This will probably use two more days of my time.  I spent a few
hours at it and probably converted about 25% of the code already.
2) I could introduce new bugs.
3) Maybe my changes will be superseded by SLICCer.

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