Right. Clearly when != curTick(), but I would have thought that by calling
m5_exit(0) that when == curTick().

I think this is some sort of bug in gem5, but it's not obvious what's going
wrong. If you care to keep digging into it, I would use gdb and break at
the warn and see what "when" is. Then, I would trace back through the code
to see why it's not curTick() (e.g., somewhere the time is being
incremented by 1 when it shouldn't, or something like that). But I'm glad
that you figured out a work-around!


On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 4:29 AM, Pierre-Yves Péneau <
pierre-yves.pen...@lirmm.fr> wrote:

> Hi Jason, hi all,
> I found a way to avoid this. I built two executables of my program: one
> with the checkpoint at the beginning of the ROI but without m5_exit(0)
> at the end, and another with both m5 operations. I used the first one to
> write the checkpoint, and I restarted with the second one. With this
> mechanism, I did not observed a warning. I used the PseudoInst debug
> flags to confirm that m5_exit(0) is called correctly.
> > Switch at curTick count:10000
> > info: Entering event queue @ 2792665962500.  Starting simulation...
> > Switched CPUS @ tick 2792665972500
> > switching cpus
> > **** REAL SIMULATION ****
> > info: Entering event queue @ 2792665972500.  Starting simulation...
> > 2807654505500: global: PseudoInst::quiesceSkip()
> > 2807655304000: global: PseudoInst::quiesceSkip()
> > 2807672441000: global: PseudoInst::quiesceSkip()
> > 2807693674500: global: PseudoInst::quiesceSkip()
> > 2807849849500: global: PseudoInst::quiesceSkip()
> > 2807906797000: global: PseudoInst::quiesceSkip()
> > 2808111760000: global: PseudoInst::quiesceSkip()
> > 2808112367000: global: PseudoInst::quiesceSkip()
> > 2808844719000: global: PseudoInst::m5exit(0)
> > Exiting @ tick 2808844719000 because m5_exit instruction encountered
> Maybe I found "why" this is happening.. Below, the warning condition:
> >> 86    warn_if(serialize && (when != curTick() || repeat),
> >> 87            "exitSimLoop called with a delay and auto serialization.
> This is "
> >> 88            "currently unsupported.");
> As far as I see, when exiting with m5_exit(), exitSimLoop() is always
> called with serialize=true and repeat=0 [1]. Then, the issue could be
> when != curTick(). Any thoughts ?
> [1] http://grok.gem5.org/xref/gem5/src/sim/pseudo_inst.cc#293
> On 02/01/2017 05:45 PM, Pierre-Yves Péneau wrote:
> > Hi Jason,
> >
> > I used this command to build my program:
> >
> >> arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.9 -static -O3 foo.c util/m5/m5op_arm.S -o foo
> >
> > Then, I used this one for creating the checkpoint:
> >
> >> ./build/ARM/gem5.fast -d chkpt-dir -e -r configs/example/fs.py --script
> util/rcS/foo.rcS
> >
> > And this one for restarting from the checkpoint:
> >
> >> ./build/ARM/gem5.fast -d chkpt-dir/timing -e -r configs/example/fs.py
> --script util/rcS/foo.rcS --cpu-type timing --caches --checkpoint-dir
> chkpt-dir -r 1
> >
> > I just rebuilt the executable with m5_exit(0) and tested again, I got
> > the same warning. Note that this warning is also triggered when I try to
> > create a checkpoint.
> >
> > On 02/01/2017 05:23 PM, Jason Lowe-Power wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> What is the command you're using to build the executable? I'm unable to
> >> reproduce this bug with the following command:
> >>
> >> gcc -o hello hello.c util/m5/m5op_x86.o
> >>
> >> I also tested for ARM.
> >>
> >> It shouldn't be possible to compile without a parameter to m5_exit.
> Also,
> >> looking through the code, as long as you specify a delay of 0 everything
> >> should work. You *will* get the warning if you specify a delay other
> than
> >> 0, though.
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >> Jason
> >>
> >> On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 4:17 AM Pierre-Yves Péneau <
> >> pierre-yves.pen...@lirmm.fr> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I get a warning [1] when I try to exit my simulation with m5_exit():
> >>
> >>> "warn: exitSimLoop called with a delay and auto serialization. This is
> >> currently unsupported."
> >>
> >> What I am doing is restoring a simulation at the entry of my ROI, then
> >> executing gem5 in FS mode and exiting at the end. My code looks like
> this:
> >>
> >>>   m5_checkpoint(0,0);
> >>>   for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
> >>>   {
> >>>     ...
> >>>   }
> >>>   m5_exit();
> >>
> >> I tried to use m5_exit() with no parameter or zero, the result is the
> >> same. So, I don't understand why gem5 is complaining about an exit
> >> delay. And what is auto serialization ?
> >>
> >> Thank you.
> >>
> >>
> >> [1] http://grok.gem5.org/source/xref/gem5/src/sim/sim_events.cc#82
> >>
> >> --
> >> +-------------------------------------------------------------+
> >> | Pierre-Yves Péneau - PhD student |  first.last at lirmm.fr  |
> >> | LIRMM / CNRS - SYSMIC team       |    + 33 4 67 41 86 33
> >> <+33%204%2067%2041%2086%2033>    |
> >> | Building 4 Office H2.2           |    http://walafc0.org    |
> >> +-------------------------------------------------------------+
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> gem5-users mailing list
> >> gem5-users@gem5.org
> >> http://m5sim.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/gem5-users
> >>
> >>
> >>
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> >> gem5-users mailing list
> >> gem5-users@gem5.org
> >> http://m5sim.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/gem5-users
> >>
> >
> >
> >
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> > gem5-users mailing list
> > gem5-users@gem5.org
> > http://m5sim.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/gem5-users
> >
> --
> +-------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Pierre-Yves Péneau - PhD student |  first.last at lirmm.fr  |
> | LIRMM / CNRS - SYSMIC team       |    + 33 4 67 41 86 33    |
> | Building 4 Office H2.2           |    http://walafc0.org    |
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