Hi Gus,

I'd be happy to include something you write in Learning gem5 (feel free to
fork it on github and submit a pull request!
https://github.com/powerjg/learning_gem5). We also have periodic gem5 users
workshops where you can present information like this. In fact, I'm running
a gem5 tutorial at ASPLOS this year (
http://learning.gem5.org/tutorial/index.html). If you have something
prepared by then it could be a good place to present it.

I'm also thinking about other ideas for people to contribute to gem5
documentation. I'll let you know if anything materializes.


Jason Lowe-Power
Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
University of California, Davis
3049 Kemper Hall

On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 11:28 AM Gus Smith <gushenrysm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ​Appreciate the reply, Jason! That helps a lot!
> A follow-up question (for anyone who has input): I'm currently developing
> my Master's thesis, and it will likely involve some ISA extension of x86
> and possibly other architectures. I will be tackling a specific research
> question, likely involving the modified caches I discussed in my first
> post. However, in the interest of making the fruits of my thesis useful to
> a broader range of people, I am wondering if there are any
> ISA-extension-specific gem5 documentation/features/frameworks I could
> contribute to during the course of my thesis. gem5 has helped me a lot, and
> I'd be honored to contribute back to it! Realistically, one thing I'd like
> to create (if it doesn't already exist) is a thorough introduction to ISA
> extension in x86, given that I'm about to spend a lot of time figuring it
> out myself!
> Looking forward to anyone's input on this.
> Thanks all,
> Gus Smith
> --
> *Gus Smith*
> Penn State University
> M.S./B.S. Computer Science and Engineering '18
> Microsystems Design Lab - Researcher
> (570)817-9340 <(570)%20817-9340> | hfs5...@psu.edu
> ​
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