
No. You should not have a response for WritebackDirty. In fact, most (all?)
writes do not have responses. See src/mem/packet.cc. (
Some commands have the "NeedsResponse" flag set. If so, this request will
be turned into a response by whatever memory object fulfills the request
(by calling pkt.makeResponse()).

I hope this answers your question.


On Sat, May 19, 2018 at 11:38 PM Muhammad Ali Akhtar <
muhammadali...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello All,
> Following jason's website, created my own cache.
> On Cache miss, I send the TimingReq to memory, and get the response, which
> I handle in "handleResponse".
> during HandleResponse, in case the insertion causes eviction (cache was
> full), the insert function generates another memPort.sendTimingReq(). This
> time, the pkt is WritebackDirty. However, For this TimingReq() to memory
> (WritebackDirty), we don't get any response from memory Write?
> My question is:
> Do we ever get a response from memory for packets of type
> "WritebackDirty". When I examine the simulator output, it seems that it
> moves on to next instrutions without waiting for response from memory for
> this particular request.
> Muhammad Ali Akhtar
> Principal Design Engineer
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/muhammadakhtar
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