Dear all,

gem5- has officially been released! You can try out gem5-19 by
pulling the latest version of the code on our git repo's master branch
(which is now a "stable" branch that shall not change between releases):

The main goal of the gem5-19 release was to test our release mechanisms to
make sure that things go smoothly for the first "RE-gem5" release ( In this sense,
gem5-19 is a major success! We were able to find several bugs in our
release methodology that have been worked out. I’m hopeful that the gem5-20
release will not have any hiccups ;).
Jason Lowe-Power has written a blog post on our website which goes into
more detail about this release, discusses why releases are necessary,
answers some FAQs, and outlines future plans for the gem5 project:

We wish to thank the gem5 community for their patience and support during
the development of this release. It is much appreciated.

Kind regards,
Dr. Bobby R. Bruce
Room 2235,
Kemper Hall, UC Davis
CA, 95616

gem5-users mailing list

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