Hi Oivind

I suggest you to have a look at the following patch which is currently under 


This will make it possible to dump stats starting from a user specified root 
node (in the simobject hierarchy). For example, if you are just interested on 
DRAM stats, you can specify the dram object as  --stats-root and gem5 will 
simply dump stats of the dram node, rather than traversing the hierarchy 
starting from the Root Object.


-----Original Message-----
From: Øivind Harket Bakke via gem5-users <gem5-users@gem5.org>
Sent: 08 June 2020 11:29
To: gem5-users@gem5.org
Cc: oivind.ba...@hotmail.com
Subject: [gem5-users] Remove/disable stats

Hi all,

I'm trying to remove certain stats from the stats file, but I'm struggling to 
find an efficient way to do so. Just as an example, for the perBankRdBursts in 
dram memory, it's to be found in /src/mem/dram_ctrl.cc and .hh. When I'm 
commenting those out I can't rebuild without getting errors. I tried commenting 
out the definition in .hh alone, and also in the .cc seperately. Which are to 
be commented out and/or are there better methods of removing stats?

Thanks in advance and best regards
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