Hi all,

I'm writing because I'm trying to run a relatively simple, but
memory-intensive C microbenchmark in SE mode. In particular, it allocates
and randomly fills a 2MB array, then performs *n* random accesses to the
array and increments the value.

The program outputs that it is increasing the stack size by a page ("info:
Increasing stack size by one page."), and eventually no more output is
produced. I tried putting some sanity check code in the LLC logic (i.e.,
print "Hello, does this work" every 10,000 accesses), and it seems as
though the system has actually stopped executing.

What's weird about this is that the program works for smaller arrays, such
as 10kB, but those are somewhat uninteresting for my work. I suspect I'll
have to turn to full system mode, but ideally I'd like to work with a
simpler architecture.

Is there any reason why this might be the case?

Thank you for your help!

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