
Thanks for the review.  Responses inline.


McCann Peter-A001034 wrote:
I have been selected as the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART) reviewer
for this draft (for background on Gen-ART, please see
<> ).
Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments
you may receive.
Document: draft-turner-deviceowner-attribute-01
Reviewer: Pete McCann
Review Date: 2009-08-27
IETF LC End Date: 2009-08-28
IESG Telechat date: unknown
Summary: Almost Ready

Major issues: None

Minor issues: The Abstract and Introduction are worded in a way similar to draft-turner-clearancesponsor-attribute-01.txt and the same
re-wording should be applied as in the discussion with Joel.


Nits/editorial comments: Please run the ASN.1 thorugh a syntax checker.

I will.  Also noticed that "IDENTIFIED BY" should have been "ID".

The word "IMPLICIT" is mis-spelled in the ASN.1 in the appendix.


The choice elements alphaNCountry have a different capitalization
in the appendix (AlphaNCountry).

Somebody else also caught this. I have made the change to use lower case in the module.

The syntax checker that I tried didn't like the [0] after Alpha2Country.
I am not an ASN.1 expert so perhaps this is newer syntax.

It is a later version ('02). The OSS syntax checker said it passed after I made the changes.

It looks like there is a missing close-paren after the NumericCountry
SIZE specification.

numericCountry was just wrong.  The proper size constraints are as follows:

    numericCountry     INTEGER (0..999),

It looks like there is an exra open-curly before "joint-iso-ccitt".

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